Monthly Archives: March 2008

Talking with terrorists

The week in review of the NYT Jan 17 – 23, 1993 reported on the law that allowed Israelis to talk to the PLO like this: On the right, the dismayed opposition warned that a group bent on Israel’s destruction … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on Talking with terrorists

The Exception Clause, again

Imagine that two molotov cocktails were thrown at the home of a representative of a Muslim organization. Imagine the outrage, the news articles, the media notice. Now imagine that two molotov cocktails were thrown at the home of a representative … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, The Exception Clause | 2 Comments

It’s not anti-Semitism, it’s anti-Israelism

The Paris book fair, which is being boycotted by Our Friends The Saudis™ (among others), was subject to a bomb scare today. Because even Israeli books are fair game for hate, I suppose. Thousands of visitors to the Paris book … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jew Cooties | 1 Comment

Hillel and Doron

There’s a famous story about the great sage Hillel the Elder. Hillel used to earn a trepik a day, half of which he gave to the guard at the house of study and half he used to support himself and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews, Religion | Comments Off on Hillel and Doron

Israel’s inefficient ethnic cleansing

In an innocuously titled Islamic summit seeks dialogue with Christian world Reuters reports: But, in an apparent reference to the Palestinian fight against Israel, it said terrorism should be differentiated from “legitimate resistance against foreign occupation.”As is customary at an … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

When is antizionism not antisemitism?

Daled Amos observes that the State Department recognizes that Anti-Zionism may indeed be antisemitism. The report is thematic in nature and, using illustrative examples of contemporary forms of anti-Semitism, provides a broad overview of anti-Semitic incidents, discourse and trends. The … Continue reading

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What’s moderate and what’s extreme?

While the media is willing to acknowledge that the al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade is “affiliated” with “moderate” Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction, it usually takes pains to minimize those ties.I am of the opinion that members of Fatah were involved in … Continue reading

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Another “moderate” Muslim exposes his Jew-hatred

Yet another “moderate” Muslim spokesman regularly called on by CNN and news organizations to give his [anti-Israel] opinion has been exposed for the Jew-hater that he is. The editor of a pan-Arab daily published in London says the terrorist attack … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment


It’s International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day. Go ahead. I’m having dairy for breafkast, and meat for dinner, which will be in the company of all six members of the G. family. Join us. Well, from wherever you … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA | 7 Comments

A Tigger-sized hole in my life

The title to this post is a lie. There’s actually an enormous hole in my life, not just a Tig-sized one. For the past eleven years, I had an orange, fluffy, loving goofball in my life. Every day that I … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 16 Comments

The view from STS-123

The ViewThis view out the aft windows on Endeavour’s flight deck was one of a series of images recorded by the STS-123 crew during the first full day in space. The end of the Canadian-built remote manipulator system’s robot arm … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, World | 1 Comment

Rocket barrage strikes Israel, media blames Israel

You’d think the AP would get tired of blaming the victim. You would be wrong. A dozen rockets and three mortars were fired at Israel late Wednesday and early Thursday, Israeli security officials said. Two rockets struck a warehouse and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

March 15th: Eat meat for PEAT PETA

Tomorrow is the sixth annual International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA (EATAPETA) Day. Tired of their offensive ad campaigns? Well, have a steak on them. Tired of the hypocrisy of an animal rights organization that has a shelter with … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA | 13 Comments

Soccer Dad urges UN SG to end ‘disproportionate’ sanctimony

Secretary-General’s address to the 11th Summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference As I told the Security Council when I briefed them earlier this month, Israel’s disproportionate and excessive use of force has killed and injured many civilians, including … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

A call for revenge by a rabbi that will go unnoticed

Say, remember how the wire services all managed to point out that in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attack on yeshiva students, outraged Israelis chanted “Death to the Arabs”? Think this call for revenge will get as much notice … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments