Monthly Archives: March 2008

More real ethnic cleansing

Boker Tov Boulder describes the moderate doctor of Holocaust denial, Mahmoud Abbas as Old Terrorist, New Suit, Big Mouth. Abbas claims that Israel is guilty of “ethnic cleansing” in Jerusalem. As Meryl points out, there’s been plenty of ethnic cleansing … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | 1 Comment

Ethnic cleansing, real and false

Mahmoud Abbas, the man who wrote a Holocaust-denial thesis, is accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing.” Abbas told a summit of the 57-nation Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), being held in Senegal’s capital Dakar, the success of US-brokered peace talks … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments


Y’know, I really don’t think I want to drive an hour there and back on Saturday. You guys are going to have to give me a really good reason to come to Fredericksburg. I can celebrate EATAPETA Day here in … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA, Israel | 5 Comments

Lost: Questions and no answers

Okay. I have watched the latest—and saddest—episode of Lost, and I have several questions and thoughts. Why on earth would anyone—ANYONE—who has spent more than an hour in Ben Linus’ presence ever, ever trust a word he says? I mean, … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments


Speaking of Jameel, you simply must read this post about the effect of the loss of eight Torah students in that horrendous terror attack last week. Every morning I take the 35 bus line to work. It’s a quick ride … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Television | Comments Off on Must-read

Katyusha hits Ashdod?

Jameel of the Muqata alerted the JBlogosphere in an email that Palestinians have fired a katyusha rocket from Gaza even farther north than before: For the first time, an member of Knesset has publicly announced that a Ketyusha has fallen … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 3 Comments

The noble house of Propper de Callejon

What did the Spanish diplomat, Eduardo Propper de Callejon have in common with Raoul Wallenberg, Frank Foley and Aristades De Sousa Mendes? Like the others, Propper de Callejon risked his life and career to issue visas to Jews to escape … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel, Movies, Pop Culture | Comments Off on The noble house of Propper de Callejon

Is he really going to Tel Aviv?

Solomonia and Israelly Cool write about the Greek singer, Glykeria, who gets a lot of grief back home for her support of Israel.I don’t know if he loves Israel as much, but singer Joe Jackson is excited to have some … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Pop Culture | 1 Comment

Israel treats Gaza girls; Abbas calls Israel barbaric

Earlier I wrote: Aside from the silliness of allowing Hamas to re-arm unmolested, Israel is setting itself up for a PR hit. The first time an Israeli soldier fires on a terrorist approaching the border, Israel will be the party … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Is it truce yet (3)?

Is it truce yet? At least four Qassam rockets were fired at Sderot from the northern Gaza Strip Wednesday night following a brief lull in attacks on southern Israel communities. Two rockets landed in town, near a school and next … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

The NY Times: All the Hamas propaganda that’s fit to print

Soccer Dad takes the New York Times to task in their latest Israel article. But he missed a spot where they are passing along Hamas propaganda, even while giving the readers the information showing that they’re passing along the propaganda. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias | Comments Off on The NY Times: All the Hamas propaganda that’s fit to print

Is it truce yet?

Is it truce yet? Or does shooting not count as a truce violation? Palestinian gunmen opened fire at IDF troops who were carrying out infrastructure work along the central Gaza Strip perimeter fence on Wednesday. There were no wounded among … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | 1 Comment

When will the cease-lull start?

I was kind of put off by this headline in the NYT: Rocket endangers Palestinian-Israeli respite. The rocket doesn’t endanger the respite. It ends the respite. And it’s not the rocket, it’s the people who fired the rocket. Of course … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Comments Off on When will the cease-lull start?

Hamas’ non-truce truce

Is it truce yet? Palestinians fired a mortar shell at Israel on Wednesday, hitting an open area near the security barrier on the border with the Gaza Strip. Nobody was wounded in the attack, and no damage was reported. Remember, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Kuwait up for me

Three interesting news items having to do with Kuwait and Israel:1) Kuwaiti analyst: Best if Israel, not U.S., destroys Iranian nukes But when asked in an interview with the daily Al-Siyassah about the consequences of an Israeli strike on Iran’s … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 1 Comment