Evangelicals in Sderot: A gift for Israelis

Get out the hankies for this one.

Gift from America: Eight-year-old Osher Twito, who sustained serious wounds and lost his leg two months ago after being hit by a Qassam rocket, will be able to move around more easily now that he received a surprise gift from an evangelical group.

The Christian group, Hugs for Israel, provided Twito with an electric all-terrain vehicle. Group members wanted Osher to feel that he is one of the strongest kids in his neighborhood andshow others that he is moving on with his life, the group’s founder and president, Brenda Giles, told Ynet Thursday.

Giles, who lives both in Israel and in the United States, said that she turned to various Israel supporters after hearing about the injuries sustained by Osher and his older brother Rami. One of the people approached provided a donation that allowed the group to purchase the gift for Osher, she said.

You can wonder (and to be honest, I do) whether some Evangelicals support Israel only in the hopes of the end times. But you can’t deny that this was a wonderful gift to a boy in need, brought by a woman with a loving heart. I’m thinking the only thing on her mind was the needs of a boy who lost his leg.

There’s a picture at the link.

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5 Responses to Evangelicals in Sderot: A gift for Israelis

  1. John M. says:

    I can’t speak for all my fellow evangelicals, but I support Israel solely because God tells me it’s the right thing to do. “I will bless them that bless you”. The house of David is alive in the world today and will receive my support. And I’m definitely going to check out that Hugs for Israel group.

  2. John M. says:

    I shouldn’t say “solely”. The pluck of the Israeli state could not help but impress even the most cynical.

  3. Anon says:


    The vast majority of Evangelical Christians support and love Israel because it is the moral thing to do.

    It may be that since you are a left-winger at heart, you find it difficult to believe that Evangelicals are bright enough to understand that Jewish people do not accept their view of the end times for theological reasons.

    You need to take off your rose-colored glasses and understand that deeply committed Christians can be every bit as intelligent, if not more so, than the far left wing atheistic wing nuts who are tenured academics at Ivy league Universities.

    Perhaps it is time for you to shed some of your own prejudices.

  4. Anon, that chip on your shoulder must really be weighing you down.

    Understand that if I thought Evangelicals were stupid, I would say so. However, I’m not one to think that an entire group of people is stupid, with the exception of the followers of L. Ron Hubbard. Those people are, as a friend of mine puts it, shit-for-brains.

    I grew up watching Evangelicals on Sunday mornings tell me I was going to roast in hell because I’m Jewish. So I think I’m entitled to be a little suspicious about some intentions out there. And please note, I said “SOME”.

    I’m thinking we have a little bit of bigotry to shed ourselves, Anon, about those of us who are “left-wingers at heart.” I am not someone who has ever thought that a person was stupid because they don’t agree with me. I think people are stupid if, well, they’re stupid. (Once again, scientologists excepted. Those people are effing morons.)

  5. Robert says:

    There are different “flavors” of Evangelicals, from some that are just as flaky as that guy with the rag hiding in a cave in Afghanistan to those that think it’s OK for a woman minister to marry two gay men. Just like everyone else, you might say!

    So, understanding that you’re not a Christian, yet I will quote from a famous Jew: Whatever you do the least of these, my brethren, you do it also to me. He taught people to help out those less fortunate, feed the poor, comfort the sick and dying, and try to help out where you can. Believe it or not, there are even ‘Evangelicals’ who will help out others for no reason whatsoever!


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