Chag Sameach

A happy and kosher Passover to all of my Jewish readers.

“In every generation, they rise up against us, but the Holy One, blessed be He, rescues us from their hands.”

We will recite those words tonight. They have never lost their meaning. I’m afraid they never will.

But we’re still here. And we’ll still be here, when Hamas is as obscure—and dead—as the Hittites.

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6 Responses to Chag Sameach

  1. Bob says:

    May your next 3500 years be better than your last 3500.

  2. Chris L. says:

    May Hamas even be deader than the Hittites. At least the Hittites were master craftsmen and left behind that cool-looking cuneiform writing. Hamas is just plain crap.

  3. Quasi says:

    Meryl, this is going to be a little bit lighter than the last two replies. You might enjoy the latest post on my blog at It’s the cat story of Purrover, or what you humans call “Passover.”

  4. Herschel says:

    And just as the two adolph’s, and haman and yasser perished, let ahmadinejad have the same fate, before any more atrocities occur.

  5. Janet says:

    Chag Sameach, Meryl !

  6. Texas Meryl says:

    Happy Pesach, my friend!

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