
Kitten pictures, for your viewing pleasure:

First, try as I might, I can’t stop Tig3 from going on the APC:

Tig 3.0 on the APC

Next, one of Tig3’s favorite toys: My foot.

Tig and his human cat toy

Last, Tig3, King of the Hill:

Tig on his scratching post

I told you there’d be cat pictures.

I am struck by the very close resemblance between Tig 2.0 and Tig 3.0. Tigger the first was bright orange and had a white belly and four white paws, as well as other areas of white. But my second two could be brothers. Eleven years apart, of course.

I’m very happy with Tig 3.0.

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10 Responses to Tiggerpalooza

  1. Rahel says:

    Tig3 looks so happy! Please skritch him for me.

  2. Piper was a fighty-bitey with feet for the longest time.

    Wearing shoes everywhere helped.

  3. Yeah, new rule for the office: Shoes or slippers on feet, and no sweats. Jeans only. His claws don’t go through jeans yet, and he leaps on me, unexpectedly, about four dozen times a day. Maybe five.

    Rahel, consider him skritched.

  4. John M says:

    He likes the APC because it’s warm.

    It’s fun getting lept on by kittens!

  5. Not when you’re allergic. But he’s injecting me several times a day with his special kitty antivenom, so my allergies will be under control in a couple of weeks.

    Meantime, boy, it itches.

  6. ann says:

    Oh My God that’s so adorable! There’s nothing cuter in this world than a baby kitten to me. I had a kitten like this several years ago named Sunshine, he looked alot like your kitty.

  7. Michael Lonie says:

    But what about Gracie?

  8. Well, she’s a lump. She sleeps all day. She’s doing nothing picture-worthy.

  9. Bert says:

    I bet he wouldn’t jump on the APC if he were wet……

    Sorry, that’s the cat hater in me speaking. Glad you’re enjoying Tig3.0

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