For Meat Loaf fans

Sarah tipped me off to this video. The lyrics may not be so great, but the concept is a hoot. Especially for Meat Loaf and Rocky Horror fans.

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6 Responses to For Meat Loaf fans

  1. hilarious! Thanks for sharing.

  2. James Curran says:

    And, in case you didn’t recognized her… the mother is Tiffany.

    Also, I don’t know about VA, but the ad runs on TV in NY/NJ.

  3. I’ve seen the ad running here in NoVA. I think on Sci-Fi channel programs.

    I cringe every time it comes on.

  4. Larry Viezel says:

    Hiya Meryl,

    Was sent to this post via Google news alerts for “Rocky Horror” :-).

    Your fanatical former upstairs neighbor,

  5. Larry! No way!

    Good to hear from you. Hope you and Dave are doing well.

    Hey, my blog gets tagged by Google News? Who knew?

  6. Soccerdad says:

    I believe that the ad I saw was a bit shorter, but it was a riot.

    (I never saw Rocky Horror so I missed those references.) Of course my children thought I was nuts for talking about Meat Loaf singing.

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