Monthly Archives: April 2008

Hamas ups rocket fire to force “truce”

Rocket attacks on Israel have increased in the last couple of days. What do you want to bet they’ve done so because Hamas is trying to force Israel into agreeing to that bogus truce? A Qassam rocket fired from northern … Continue reading

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World Bank confirms that Gaza blockade is working

The World Bank issued a report today that effectively states the Israeli blockade of Hamas is working, but that Israel should lift the blockade, because it’s working. Billions of aid dollars pledged to the Palestinians to bolster peace talks with … Continue reading

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A thank-you note

I get a lot of comments that never get approved because, well, I don’t believe in publishing hate on my blog. But then sometimes, I get an email that makes me smile for the rest of the day. I know … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 1 Comment

Hamas openly admits “truce” is a way to regroup and re-arm

It’s gotten to the point where Hamas doesn’t even have to pretend that they’re possibly, maybe, kinda sorta if the right offer came along ready to deal with Israel. Not that they ever really did—it’s just that the media generally … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Terrorism overload

You know, I just can’t write about this crap today. I mean, Hamas is pulling its usual bullshit line of “Israel must accede to our truce demands or we’ll kill even more Israelis because they didn’t.” The MSM will be … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Throwing Bashar a lifeline

via memeorandum Israel Matzav noted that PM Olmert has apparently gone even beyond Ehud Barak’s generous concessions to Syria and promised Bashar Assad the complete Golan even up to the Kinneret. But my question is why now? Why would Olmert … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | 4 Comments

The AP bias in clear evidence

Look at these two articles from the AP on the most recent terrorist attack in Israel: Israeli military says 2 Israelis dead in shooting A Palestinian militant shot and killed two Israeli security guards early Friday in a factory on … Continue reading

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Let’s give the AP a lesson in news angle

The AP has a story about the UN cutting off food distribution in Gaza. Why? Because they can’t get fuel to distribute the food. Why? Because Hamas is stealing half the fuel, and refusing to deliver the other half. But … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas | Comments Off on Let’s give the AP a lesson in news angle

Gracie vs. Tig3

Where’s Gracie? Why no pictures of her lately? Because she’s a lump. Lumps are not very photogenic. Witness a typical Gracie pose these days: Now take a look at a comparable picture, with Tig3 acting like a lump. Gracie? Boring. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

To build or not to build

Israelis Claim Secret Agreement With U.S. A letter that President Bush personally delivered to then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon four years ago has emerged as a significant obstacle to the president’s efforts to forge a peace deal between the Israelis … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

The UN: Good news/bad news

The good news: Members of the Security Council walked out on Libya when the Libyan ambassador compared Gaza to a concentration camp, and accused the Israelis of genocide. The bad news: Well, Libya’s still on the UNSC. It’s a most … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 3 Comments

Carter at his word

Jimmy Carter on Secretary Rice (via memeorandum): Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Wednesday accused Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of not telling the truth about warnings she said her department gave Carter not to speak to Hamas before a … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Things that make you go hmmm

Tig3 is trying to decide what to do with the APC. I suspect evil motives.

Posted in Cats | 7 Comments

Shocker: Hamas changes mind about truce again

Here’s a shock: Even though the media services have been touting Hamas’ “softening” of their stance against a partial truce (e.g., Gaza only), Ismail Haniyeh said today that they’re not changing their minds. A day before delivering Hamas’ officially response … Continue reading

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Carter calls Rice a liar

Considering that Carter has made many, many statements that are demonstrably false, I’m gonna go with Condi on this one. She says she warned him off talking to Hamas. He says she’s lying. Former US President Jimmy Carter denied on … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 1 Comment