Monthly Archives: April 2008

Worse than ants in the kitchen

A brief note: I hate, hate, hate alligators and crocodiles. It is probably because when I was a child, my father thought it was funny to pretend to knock me into the alligator pit at the Staten Island Zoo while … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 4 Comments

Israel reopens fuel terminal

Israel is reopening Nahal Oz in spite of the attacks on it in the last two weeks that killed two civilians and threatened more. The Nahal Oz fuel terminal will reopen Wednesday morning for the first time in two weeks, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | Comments Off on Israel reopens fuel terminal

1701 still toothless

via memeorandum Ha’aretz reports: According to a government source in Jerusalem, the incident caused great embarrassment for UNIFIL. The source described the incident, explaining that UNIFIL troops on patrol discovered the truck and chased it down and pulled it over. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | Comments Off on 1701 still toothless

Olmert to concede to Syria?

Syria funds and supplies Hamas and Hezbullah. Syria has treaties with Iran guaranteeing that Iran will step into any altercation Israel has with Syria. Syria is the reason Lebanon is the shithole that it is, and has been for twenty … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | Comments Off on Olmert to concede to Syria?

For Meat Loaf fans

Sarah tipped me off to this video. The lyrics may not be so great, but the concept is a hoot. Especially for Meat Loaf and Rocky Horror fans.

Posted in Humor, Music | 6 Comments


Kitten pictures, for your viewing pleasure: First, try as I might, I can’t stop Tig3 from going on the APC: Next, one of Tig3’s favorite toys: My foot. Last, Tig3, King of the Hill: I told you there’d be cat … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 10 Comments

My seventh blogiversary

Seven years ago today—months before Instapundit existed—I launched Here’s what I wrote in that first post: Blogging. The new media term taking the Net by storm. Short for Weblog, to Blog is to put up a web site that … Continue reading

Posted in Blasts from the past, Site news | 11 Comments

Jimmy Carter, the terrorists’ bestest buddy

It truly is reprehensible. I can barely find the words to express the outrage as I read the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel spin given to Jimmy Carter’s talks with Hamas. Here are the plain facts: Hamas offered nothing new. Hamas did not … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

Carter’s failure: Even the media recognizes it

Even as Jimmy Carter makes speeches about what Hamas agreed to during his talks with them, they deny that they will abide by what they said. Even the AP is printing the contradictions in the same story that they headline … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 4 Comments

Muslim schools creating new class of African beggars

The AP has an expose of the side of Islam that CAIR never tells you about: Servitude to greedy imams who send children out to beg so the imams can live in luxury. For some reason, the International Herald Tribune—owned … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 4 Comments

Stupid Iranian statement of the day

Just when you think that Iranian spokesliars can’t get any dumber, they do. American officials follow the policy of Iranophobia,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told reporters in a weekly news conference. Apparently, Baghdad Bob was not a one-off … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

Hamas and the lies of the truce

It’s amazing—or probably not, having been analyzing media reports on Israel for years—that the media simply cannot come out and say that the attack by Hamas on the Kerem Shalom border crossing yesterday proves that Hamas is utterly uninterested in … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas | 1 Comment

Kitty’s first thunderstorm

Well, this is an interesting morning. I was woken at seven by piteous mews, which is about an hour earlier than I wanted to (or should have) gotten up. And now we’re experiencing kitty’s first thunderstorm. The closer thunder is … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Chag Sameach

A happy and kosher Passover to all of my Jewish readers. “In every generation, they rise up against us, but the Holy One, blessed be He, rescues us from their hands.” We will recite those words tonight. They have never … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Jews, Religion | 6 Comments

Why yes, one more kitten post

Can’t help it. I see tufts of hair between his toes. I think he’s a Maine Coon mix. He’s playing by himself now, which means I can get some breakfast. I’m going to keep him in the office for a … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments