Monthly Archives: April 2008

Hamas shows Carter that they think peace means war

Doubtless Jimmy Carter will have some kind of explanation for the Hamas attack on the Kerem Shalom border crossing. Two soldiers were moderately wounded and 11 more sustained light wounds early Saturday morning after a Palestinian terror cell detonated a … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Morning Tig report

The good news is Tig slept through the night, thus allowing me to do the same. The bad new is yes, I’m allergic to my new cat. He makes me itch. I’m washing my hands a lot and waiting for … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Tig 3.0: A double handful already

There were two orange boys in the litter. The first one was afraid of me. The second one gave me kisses and purrs. His name is now Tigger 3.0 (which, of course, will be shortened to Tig). And geez, what … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 14 Comments

Reviving dry bones

One of the famous prophetic events discussed is when God shows the prophet Yechezkel (Ezekiel) a valley of dry bones and asks the prophet if those bones could yet live. In the end God re-forms the bones into living men. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews, Religion | 3 Comments

Tigger 3.0

Going to pick up an orange male Maine Coon kitten. Eight weeks old. Back in about four hours with pictures.

Posted in Cats | 7 Comments

Jimmy Carter’s failure and successes

Jimmy Carter has achieved nothing by talking to terrorists who have said, time and again, that they are going to destroy Israel. Snoopy details the exact quotes of the men that Carter has met with in the last few days, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 4 Comments

Close encounters of the fourth kind

These are, probably, encounters that nobody, aside of the initiating party, wants or needs and help no one but the initiating party. Here is one: Carter told an audience at the American University in Cairo that the meeting lasted about … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics, Terrorism | Comments Off on Close encounters of the fourth kind

Never say never

Since the government has seen fit to give me back $600 of my own money, the topic came up in conversation yesterday. I was wondering what I was going to spend it on. A gift, I decided. Something that was … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 2 Comments

Revoking the honors

Backspin notes that Mahmoud Abbas has withdrawn his nomination to honor two terror abettors. The Al Kuds Mark of Honor, the PLO’s highest medal, was meant be awarded in a ceremony in Ramallah Thursday to two female terrorists who helped … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | Comments Off on Revoking the honors

A casualty in the Hamas/Fatah civil war

The Washington Post today also features an article about the Fatah Hamas war focusing on the death of Majd Barghouti, a Hamas sympathizer. Missing from the account are the stories of how Hamas killed members of Fatah last year – … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

The double standard: Israeli and Palestinian casualties

It’s astonishing—or perhaps not—how often the words “youths” and “children” are used when describing Palestinian casualties, civilian or otherwise. A 19-year-old Palestinian injured in battle with the IDF is often called a “youth,” even if the 19-year-old was actually working … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Comments Off on The double standard: Israeli and Palestinian casualties

Zahar, with a difference

The Washington Post has once again given op-ed space to the member of a terrorist organization. In it Mahmoud al-Zahar gets to criticize Israel and praise Jimmy Carter. Zahar of course starts off with an outright falsehood: President Jimmy Carter’s … Continue reading

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Shame on WaPo for publishing Hamas propaganda

I have no proof—just a feeling—but I’d love to know whether Jimmy Carter had any input into this WaPo op-ed ostensibly written by Mahmoud al-Zahar, one of the chief terrorists of Hamas. And shame on the WaPo for posting this. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Defining deviancy down

Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously coined the phrase “defining deviancy down” to accept more and more violent behavior. The news media seem to have that concept down perfectly when it comes to Israel. Always, when Israel launches offensives against terrorists—and always, … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Israel | 1 Comment

Iranian tactics killing Israeli soldiers

The Iranian training that Hamas is getting is making their terrorists more deadly and effective. Three Givati Brigade soldiers were killed Wednesday morning during intense clashes with a Palestinian terror cell near the security fence in central Gaza. Three other … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 6 Comments