Monthly Archives: April 2008

Jimmy’s antidemocratic tendencies

Bret Stephens nails Jimmy Carter: That’s not quite what Mr. Carter said, however. He said the dictator “speaks” for “all” the people, just as the people in a democracy speak for themselves. Taken at face value, this is a reflection … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics | 3 Comments

The damned lies of J-Street

J-Street is a new group that calls itself “…political arm of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement.”Matt Stoller of Open Left writes: It’s a significant moment for progressive Jews who have previously not had our voices represented in the foreign policy realm, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics | 8 Comments

Shire Network News

Did I forget to tell you about this week’s SNN? You should listen to it. I talk about Jimmy Carter for my segment.

Posted in Podcasts | 1 Comment

UN proof of Hamas crimes against its own people

An anonymous UN spokesman is letting the truth come out with the usual anti-Israel lies. Gaza’s main fuel distributor is holding back one million litres of fuel, UN figures showed on Monday a day after Israel claimed Hamas was stage-managing … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | 2 Comments

Jimmy Carter: Senile or just plain stupid?

Jimmy Carter was interviewed by Ha’aretz on Sunday, Carter uttered what may be the stupidest thing I have ever seen from a world leader: In a democracy, I realize that you don’t need to talk to the top leader to … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 11 Comments

New anti-israel group has trouble raising funds

Ynet reports (via memeorandum): A new survey conducted by a Washington DC-based evangelical organization among American Christians has found that 82% of them believe they have a moral obligation to support the Jews and Israel. The poll, conducted among Catholics … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jews, Politics | 4 Comments

Carter snubbed, feeling lonely, still thinks he’s right

Jimmy Carter is being ignored by all high-level Israelis. Even the AP is noting Hamas’ long, bloody history, but Carter still insists that Hamas should be a peace partner for Israel. Uh-huh. Sure. Isolating Hamas is counterproductive, Carter said. Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 5 Comments

Israel-haters take note: U.S. Christians support Israel

If this poll is accurate, the hand-wringing among the anti-Israel set is going to increase exponentially. A new survey conducted by a Washington DC-based evangelical organization among American Christians has found that 82% of them believe they have a moral … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 2 Comments

Tool rhymes with fool

Jimmy Carter can’t even get respect from Shimon Peres these days.A poster at Firedoglake, Ian Welsh, though, considers Jimmy Carter the best friend Israel ever had! After botching history (Carter created the conditions for Camp David by planning to bring … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics | Comments Off on Tool rhymes with fool

Preventing the next Holocaust

The other day I wrote about Charles Krauthammer’s most recent column. He argued that since it’s clear that negotiation and sandtions have failed to prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb, the United States had to expressly state its support for defending … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

Israel policy failure

Sometimes organizations do what you expect them too. CAIR, for example, has no issue with Jimmy Carter shaking the blood soaked hands of Khaled Meshal.Sometimes the organization that does the advocating is surprising. For example two leaders of the Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Carter defends the indefensible

Jimmy Carter took to the talk show circuit to try to defend meeting with murderers. “It’s very important that at least someone meet with the Hamas leaders to express their views, to ascertain what flexibility they have, to try to … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Politics | 9 Comments

Why read the NYT or Ha’aretz …

when you could have gotten the scoop from Elder of Ziyon. via memeorandum Ha’aretz reports: Hamas seizes half the fuel Israel sends to the Gaza Strip and uses it in part for its military wing’s vehicles, Israeli and Palestinian Authority … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Lazy Saturday

Well, not really. There was a bar mitzvah (one of my third-year students; only one more left from that class, and he did a wonderful job), and I’m working to make up the hours from Monday and Tuesday, and, well, … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Religion | Comments Off on Lazy Saturday

Not just motive

Elder of Ziyon made an important point yesterday about the atttacks at Nahal Oz. On the surface it seemed illogical for an attack against the entry point for gas to Gaza. He points out the terror attack with the complicity … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment