Monthly Archives: April 2008


Remember how smug, insufferable, know-it-all David Ignatius informed us that the NIE showed that our policies towards Iran were all wrong? Here’s how he put it in a Post-Global forum: Sometimes events create space for diplomacy where none existed before. … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Iran, Israel, Jews | 1 Comment

Hamas: Israel digging tunnels to kidnaps Hamas leaders

That was an interesting turn of speach. Or turn of spin, whatever you make of it. “Israel has dug tunnels under the Gaza Strip in order to kidnap senior Hamas leaders,” Hamas Interior Minister Said Siam told the London-based Arabic … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Adventures in babysitting

I got a call from Sarah yesterday asking “Do you have plans for tonight?” That’s usually followed by a request to help shepherd children around to their various schedules, often caused by her husband being out of town or extremely … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

Really helpful UN moment of the day

The UN peacekeepers along the Israel-Lebanon border have hit upon the perfect plan to stop border infiltration by terrorists. They’re laying barbed wire. UN peacekeepers in Lebanon began on Friday erecting a barbed-wire fence along the border with Israel to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn, Lebanon | 1 Comment

Evangelicals in Sderot: A gift for Israelis

Get out the hankies for this one. Gift from America: Eight-year-old Osher Twito, who sustained serious wounds and lost his leg two months ago after being hit by a Qassam rocket, will be able to move around more easily now … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 5 Comments

Don’t cry to me

via memeorandum AFP reports on yesterday’s violence on the border with Gaza. Two Israeli civilians and seven Palestinians were killed on Wednesday in an explosion of violence on the Gaza Strip border after Palestinian commandos stormed into Israel.The attack came … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Hamas, the ex-president, and the blindness

The New York Times reports that Hamas is currently engaged in its largest weapons buildup ever, thanks to Iranian arms, money, and training. Hamas’ goal? The bombardment of Israel. An Israeli study says Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Politics | 5 Comments

Doing the dictator boogie

via memeorandum Lee Smith in TNR argues that talking with the bad guys isn’t a cost free exercise. So, it was not doctrinaire anti-diplomatic tendencies that led the Bush administration to curtail relations with Syria. The administration’s outreach had done … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | Comments Off on Doing the dictator boogie

History (n.), historians (n.)

It should be accepted by now as a given that people schooled in precise sciences tend to laugh at their colleagues that have chosen art, literature, philosophy, history… as their lifelong occupation. Most of the jokes – and responses to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on History (n.), historians (n.)

AP reads my blog; fixes bias in article

I’m telling you, someone over there is reading my blog. The updated story has fixed some of the more egregiously slanted bits. They’ve made the lede far more objective, identified the Israeli victims as civilians, and lowered the anti-Israel rhetoric … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Israel | 2 Comments

AP anti-Israel bias gets worse

The AP editors spin the attack on Israel as—wait for it—retaliatory strikes by Israel. Watch as the editors change the story’s angle in as little as two hours. First version: Apr 9, 11:03 AM (ET) By YANIV ZOHAR Palestinian Attack … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 1 Comment

Lightening the mood

The story of Max. It’s four and a half minutes long, and it’s hilarious. Via Gerard Vanderleun, with whom I shared Chinese food in San Diego a few years back. Merci, Max.

Posted in Humor | 4 Comments

Terror attack kills two civilians

Terrorists from Gaza killed two workers who supply Gazans with fuel, and set the tanks on fire. Two Israeli men in their 30s were killed Wednesday afternoon in exchanges of fire that erupted near the Nahal Oz fuel terminal in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Jimmy Carter, friend to terrorists

Remember, folks, he’s not anti-Israel. He’s anti-Zionist. But the former president is going to meet with the head of a terrorist organization who last spring promised to continue its war against Israel. “Hamas will not back down. We will not … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 10 Comments

The wisdom of (the) Solomon (project)

via memeorandumForeign Ministry opens Sderot bureau / Neta Sela The group will be taken to view Sderot and Israel’s ‘narrow waistline’ by helicopter in an effort to convey the true meaning of a return to the borders of June 4th … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | 3 Comments