Monthly Archives: April 2008

Don’t trust anyone over 30

Peace Now turns 30 this year, and the AP uses the occasion to (of course) blame Israel for the failure to achieve peace. In the square where Yitzhak Rabin was slain, Peace Now marked a bittersweet milestone Tuesday: Over the … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 1 Comment

Better, but not quite there

I’m doing better, but I’m heading back to bed. In the meantime, this week’s Shire Network News can keep you entertained. Here’s an article about Jews with guns saving themselves from terrorist attacks. Hamas is threatening to break through the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Podcasts | 1 Comment

The very model of a middle east correspondent

Jackson Diehl of the Washington Post is one of those Jerusalem bureau chiefs who have parlayed their time in the Middle East into a book and further fame and fortune. Now the Deputy Editorial Page Editor of the Washington Post, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The wages of moderation

via memeorandum Boker Tov Boulder lists many of the ways that the American government is supporting the terrorist activities of the PA. It’s worth adding that though the administration publicly favors isolating Hamas, in fact even the moderate Fatah has … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics | Comments Off on The wages of moderation

Worst. Stomach flu. Ever.

Got home from school yesterday feeling mildly uncomfortable. That blew up into the worst stomach flu I’ve ever had in my life. I have been incapacitated since yesterday afternoon. I am currently ingesting Gatorade ice chips, which is about the … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

The Charlton Heston memorial post

Charlton Heston is gone. The article didn’t mention cause of death. I have my suspicions that it was a deliberate early exit due to Alzheimer’s, and if so, more power to him. Alzheimer’s a horrible way to die. But while … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, Pop Culture | 17 Comments

Marash speaks out

David Marash who was the American face of Al Jazeera English has an interview where he explains his decision to leave. I find his naivitee about Al Jazeera a bit disconcerting. Still here’s his identification of the point where AJE … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Media Bias | Comments Off on Marash speaks out

Not right and left

In his first outing as the NY Times correspondent in Israel, Ethan Bronner turns in a reasonably good effort with A Town Under Fire Becomes a Symbol for Israel about life in Sderot.My only real quibble with the article is … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Falling out between swine

This short article caused me a bizarre feeling – like finding yourself in a parallel world, where most of the familiar details are faithfully copied from the world you know, but people talk and behave differently. To start with the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Proof of Syrian nukes

Israel and the U.S. are going to release details of what was struck in the Syrian desert. You know, that innocent little country that said it was, hm, a warehouse. Israel and the United States are coordinating the release of … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

A very nice Shabbat evening

Last night, I joined Sarah and her children at their synagogue for Friday night services. It was a big occasion—their synagogue is celebrating its hundredth anniversary. I had been with them before on a couple other occasions, like the second … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | Comments Off on A very nice Shabbat evening

PA Prime Minister: We can’t do squat about Gaza

On the heels of receiving $150 million from U.S. taxpayers, for the purpose of strengthening the PA to prevent terrorism, the Palestinian Prime Minister tells a Kuwaiti newspaper that the PA can’t do anything to stop rockets, terrorisim, or Hamas. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Hamas snipers miss a Minister

Palestinian snipers fired on farmers and, well, anyone else within sight of their scopes. Gee. Wonder where they got the high-powered sniper rifles and scopes? In any case, they almost hit an Israeli minister. And they’re claiming to be al … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Religious Jews: Giving ammunition to the enemy

Way to go, guys. Give Israel’s enemies ammunition to prove that Israel is racist, by being racist assholes. Four months after harrowing accounts of discrimination against Ethiopian students, Ynet has reported that the parents’ associations of the three largest state … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Teaching | 8 Comments

Any Battlestar Galactica fans out there?

I probably won’t be home in time to watch it live, or even almost-live via my new DVR and Comcast (it’s craptastic!), as I will be visiting Sarah and the G family’s synagogue tomorrow night for a service and a … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 4 Comments