Live action naqba cartoon

How do the Palestinians commemorate Naqba?With a play, of course.

LGF in And now the Nakba dwarf describes the scene.

… a malignant dwarf with an automatic rifle, dressed as a stereotype Jew.

Snapped Shot (and a h/t for alerting me to this) in Naqba Coming Soon: Those Dastardly Zionists

Seriously, I’m not sure what I find funnier about this picture—The fact that they use midgets to represent the IDF, or the fact that there is almost nobody watching (at least, judging by the background).

Israelly Cool’s take:

Apparently, the palestinians believe that in 1948, they were attacked by Zionist mafia dwarfs.

Of course though we may laugh at the absurdity of the scene, what’s being promulgated here is a real life caricature of the short, hook nosed Jew that is so common in Palestinian cartoons. And of course such stereotyping isn’t unique to the Palesitnians; it has long been the caricature of Jews by those who hate them.

I recently saw an essay equating Naqba-denial with Holocaust denial. What the writer failed to grasp is that much of what fuels Naqba commemorations is the same hatred that, unchecked, fueled the Holocaust.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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