To the enemies of Israel on the occasion of her 60th birthday:

Eff you.

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6 Responses to To the enemies of Israel on the occasion of her 60th birthday:

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Well said Meryl. Am Yisroel Chai.

  2. annoying little twerp says:

    Though I’m a Jewish- born Christian(I know most/all here won’t approve)Hitler would have killed not only me-with my two Jewish parents-but both my Christian husbands and my half- Jewish son. I have NOT forgotten where I came from.
    I see myself as a political rather than religious Zionist.
    Israel is the one true democracy surrounded by a swarm of despots. She has the right to defend Herself the way She see fit. It burns the heck out of me to hear other nations tell Israelis how to run THEIR nation(are you listening Condi?).
    Israel MUST survive.
    Israel WILL survive!!!

    -annoying little twerp

  3. Maggie45 says:

    Meryl, my sister sent me video of the flyover a few months ago. I was sitting here with tears streaming. Had the same reaction just now, listening to you. She is a member of Beth-El in South Orange, and works in the pre school.

  4. I know where Beth El is. I used to live in Maplewood and go past it on the way to school. I think it’s Reform, and I was always Conservative. But good for your sister. Raising little Jews to be big Jews is a good thing.

    Yeah, that’s a powerful video. And the Polish managers of Auschwitz are powerful assholes for saying that it was “disrespectful” to the dead of Auschwitz to make that flyover.

    Morons. Totally missed the point of the jets.

    Never again.

  5. Maggie45 says:

    Beth-El is conservative.

  6. That’s not the one I was thinking of. Now I’m confused.

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