Oh, c’mon, he’s not that bad

The British papers are having a field day with this one: The IAF threatened to shoot down Tony Blair’s jet Wednesday.

Two Israeli fighter aircraft threatened to shoot down a private jet transporting Tony Blair after coming under the misapprehension that the aircraft was staging a potential terrorist attack.

Blair, who has served for 11 months as the Middle East “quartet” envoy, was en route to Israel from a World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting at Sharm el Sheikh, in Egypt, on Wednesday morning when the warplanes were scrambled to intercept the jet, according to a report in the Times.

It is understood air traffic controllers noticed what they thought was a suspicious aircraft heading into Israeli airspace from the Sinai peninsula and tried to make contact.

Receiving no response, Israel sent out two fighters which flew above the civilian aircraft to indicate to the pilot he was being considered a suspect target.

It was only after the warplanes were positioned in attack mode that the aircraft’s crew made contact, informing air traffic control that Blair was on the flight.

Look, we know he’s really not the most pro-Israel of people, and he’s interfering trying to help negotiate some kind of deal between Israel and the PA, but he’s not that bad. No need to shoot his plane out of the sky.


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2 Responses to Oh, c’mon, he’s not that bad

  1. Robert says:

    Ya know, Meryl, I’m starting to wonder exactly what is going on in Israel. How can they continue to allow daily rocket attacks? It is silly to assume that they couldn’t stop them if they wanted to, and I doubt that they care so much about “world opinion” that they can’t respond with a disproportionate response. These unsophisticated backwoods hillbillies with toy rockets are no match for the IDF. Realistically, all they have to do is circle the area with artillery, and use radar to hit the sites within a minute of the first launch. Or better yet, simply retake Gaza, and move the Palestinians further away. There are military options, so the question is: “What are the political reasons behind allowing the continuous attacks to occur, and who benefits?


  2. Tatterdemalian says:

    Mostly because the entire world has grown completely dependent on a resource that Israel lacks and Muslims control: crude oil with a high ratio of simpler hydrocarbons. The only thing holding the world back from trying a Second Holocaust is their moral fiber, or more specfically, the USA’s tattered and rapidly fraying moral fiber. If Israel doesn’t find a way to produce large quantities of gasoline and other hydrocarbon fuels, soon, we may end up finding out how much damage the Samson Protocol can do.

    I hope it at least destroys the oil fields. It would serve us goyim right for our treachery.

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