Kitty picture break

A break from the usual. I have many pictures of Tig, including a close-up of him enjoying the bag that Herschel’s donation bought for him:

Tig in the bag

It was a week for close-ups. You can see his Maine Coon paws in this one.

Tig in the bag

Here’s part two of Tig in the Bukkit.

Tig in the bukkit

And here’s a quiet moment in my lap. Believe me when I tell you the quiet moments are few and far between, and I have the scars to prove it.

Tig at rest

Here’s one that looks like he’s standing in front of an odd watercolor. It’s the trees through my window, and the way the camera processed them.

Tig in the window

He’s yowling to be let out now, but he was out most of the morning and afternoon. He scared himself when he leaped onto my foot massager and accidentally turned it on. He decided to go after Gracie’s tail, which was hanging down from the chair next to me, and she let him know that was never going to happen. There were many growls and hisses today and yesterday, as we are trying to merge the cat populations of the Yourish household. And I went running upstairs earlier thinking that Gracie was after Tig, only to discover that the hisses and growls I heard were Tig himself. Gracie was on the sofa downstairs, watching me curiously and wondering why I just ran up the stairs.

He’s yowling now, and I’m off to Sarah’s for a relaxing afternoon and evening with kids and dogs. There will be barking, but probably no hisses or growls.

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6 Responses to Kitty picture break

  1. Rahel says:

    There’s a Tig in the bucket, dear Meryl, dear Meryl,
    There’s a Tig in the bucket….

    (Stop throwing the tomatoes, OK? I couldn’t resist.)

    The photo of Tig on your lap also shows that great big Maine Coon Paw.

    Now, I would like to ask for equal time for Gracie!

  2. chsw says:

    I like Tig in a bucket. I like Tig in a bucket with mashed potatoes, gravy, a large cole slaw and a diet cola.


  3. Elisson says:

    Aggghhh! Cuteness extremis!

  4. Old Grouch says:

    Looks like his eyes are getting their adult color.

  5. Mog says:

    Absolutely adorable but I have to agree with Rahel, equal time for Gracie.

  6. Sure. As soon as she does something other than lie like a lump on the sofa.

    I could have given you an action shot this morning when she smacked Tig in the eye and drew blood.

    I’m still a bit freaked about that. But his eye is okay, thankfully. Emergency vet trip five hours sooner than his appointment. He’s a little off his usual good mood too.

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