Monthly Archives: May 2008

Bring on the Milky Way bars

Via Glenn, Mars is adding a scientific division. All the talk about chocolate being good for your health is starting to get serious. Mars Inc., of chocolate bar fame, has established a scientific division. And a group of researchers, some … Continue reading

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The pariah

From the Times of London (h/t Backspin) Some Israelis object to this program. They remember that Saddam Hussein fired Scuds into Israel during first Gulf War and find it offensive that Iraqis now seek their help but had no objection … Continue reading

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One teeny, tiny issue keeps Syria from the Golan

A source says that Israel and Syria agree on 85% of the issues they need to agree on to give Syria back the Golan. What’s part of that 15%? Well, besides Syria trying to grab land it never had to … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

It begins: Countdown to Olmert’s downfall

This time, he’s not going to manage to stay in office. Ehud Barak is calling on Olmert to step down. “The prime minister must detach himself from the daily management of the government. He can do so in a variety … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

How significant was the al-Dura verdict?

Richard Landes comments on the court’s decision in the Karsenty/Enderlin case. Generally speaking, I think this is a devastating decision. The judges go out of their way to criticize everyone involved on the side of France2 (including some backhanded swipes … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged , | 1 Comment

DC mass transit: Screw you if you want to go home late

I’ve been trying to figure out how not to drive to the Kennedy Center tonight. I was planning on, say, driving to Fredericksburg, leaving my car in the Park & Ride, and taking the train into DC and the Metro … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 4 Comments

A kick against progress in Iraq

From the NYT. Soccer’s world governing body suspended Iraq’s national soccer association on Monday, leaving the players on Iraq’s national team who had united a divided country fearing that they will not be able to participate in the 2010 World … Continue reading

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The Syria-Iran axis

Syria has no intention of giving up ties with Iran, no intention of giving up support of terrorist groups in and out of the Palestinian terrortories[sic], and therefore, no intention of the much-touted “land for peace” solution to the Golan … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Out of school

The NYT citing a Reuters report doesn’t seem to feel that this is any big deal. Former President Jimmy Carter said Israel held at least 150 nuclear weapons, the first time a current or former American president had publicly acknowledged … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

Kitty picture break

A break from the usual. I have many pictures of Tig, including a close-up of him enjoying the bag that Herschel’s donation bought for him: It was a week for close-ups. You can see his Maine Coon paws in this … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 6 Comments

AP boilerplate ignores Syrian attacks on Israel

There’s something that’s missing from the latest AP stories on the negotiations with Syria about the Golan Heights. Israel captured the strategic plateau in the 1967 Mideast war and later annexed the area. Many Israelis are reluctant to relinquish the … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Thinking of the troops

In his column today, William Kristol writes in Remember to Remember: One retired general I know urges civilians to go out of their way to say thank you to servicemen and women they happen to encounter. At first I thought … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Iron Man

If you have not yet seen Iron Man, go. Sarah and I went last night, and we thoroughly enjoyed the film. It was also great to be in a half-empty theater with choice of seats. And a definitively metal soundtrack… … Continue reading

Posted in Movies | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Israel surrenders to terrorists

This can’t be true. Please tell me that this isn’t really true. The IDF is evacuating a base near Gaza because they’re afraid soldiers will be kidnapped? Whatever happened to the idea that soldiers, you know, protect and defend? For … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

Qualities of mercy

This picture and caption is infuriating: Bassam Kantar, the brother of Samir Kantar, the longest-held Lebanese in Israel, imprisoned since 1979 for killing three Israelis, gestures as he holds a picture of Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah during a rally … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 3 Comments