Monthly Archives: May 2008

Justifying the prediction of the surgeon general

Bradley Burston in The Palestinians’ time is running out. You have justified every last claim and prediction of the Israeli right. Ponder that for a moment. Let me digress. Say that you hear tha a friend of yours, Smoky Joe, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , | 2 Comments

European cultural superiority

The next time someone tries to tell you how culturally superior Europe is to us, send them to YouTube to see the entries in this year’s Eurovision contest. Pay particular attention to the Russian entry. It won. Snoopy, if you … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Podcasts, Pop Culture | 4 Comments

Amy Winehouse in, Norman Finkelstein out

The Shin Bet security service detained and deported an American Jewish professor who is a prominent critic of the Israeli occupation when he landed at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Friday. There are some official reasons for booting the creep out, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments


Things for you to look at this weekend, which is a three-day weekend for us ‘Murricans. Toldja so: Syria wants the Golan, not peace. A Syrian government paper rejects Israel’s demand that Damascus should cut its ties with Iran and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Oh, c’mon, he’s not that bad

The British papers are having a field day with this one: The IAF threatened to shoot down Tony Blair’s jet Wednesday. Two Israeli fighter aircraft threatened to shoot down a private jet transporting Tony Blair after coming under the misapprehension … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Palestinian terror at the crossings

Once again, Palestinians are the cause of the crossings into Gaza closing. Once again, the UN is telling Israel that even though Palestinians are trying to kill soldiers and civilians via terror attacks from the crossings, Israel should not close … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Negotiating in the dark

When reading about the Israeli-Syrian negotiations it’s easy to dismiss them on account of Olmert’s legal trouble or because it isn’t even clear that Israel stands to gain anything from ceding the Golan to Syria. It’s also reasonably clear that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Syria does the expected; blames Israel

Just as I told you: Syria doesn’t want peace. Syria wants the Golan. And that’s about it. Syria said on Thursday it had received guarantees from Israel via Turkey for a full withdrawal from the occupied Golan Heights and rejected … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Pissing off the neo-Nazis: I’m doing something right

So my post yesterday appears to have pissed off the neo-Nazis so much, that they copied me on a sock-puppet email conversation about some Jew converting to Christianity. I expect they wanted me to join in, or be hurt, or … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Life is good

I’m in my office, working. It’s been a very busy day. But right now, Tig3.0 is asleep on my lap. Can’t get you a picture, because the camera is downstairs—but life is good. I haven’t had a lapcat in eleven … Continue reading

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Dear Mr. Hoyt

Dear Mr. Hoyt, In her valedictory from the Middle East, Deborah Sontag wrote “Quest for Mideast Peace: How and Why it failed.” In it she tells a story: But Palestinians drove away from that dinner with something else on their … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Dear Mr. Hoyt

The Syrian “peace” talks

I’m only a tiny bit worried about the talks with Syria, because they’re going to fail. And they’re going to fail, because I doubt Syria will cut ties with terrorists and Iran, which is a deal-breaker for Israel. Foreign Minister … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on The Syrian “peace” talks


I think it’s time for some different news items. You’ll never get me to talk, Copper: A lost parrot wouldn’t talk to the cops, but he talked to a vet. Police rescued the African grey parrot two weeks ago from … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Miscellaneous, World | 1 Comment

They hate me! They really hate me!

The Jew-hating bastards on yet another Holocaust denial site (based in the U.K., there’s a surprise) have linked to one of my old teaching posts (and not in a good way). And they don’t like my No Israel-Bashing Zone policy, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Teaching | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Karsenty on his win over France 2 on the Al-Dura hoax

From an email I received today: Philippe Karsenty gave the following statement regarding his victory: “Today a French court ruled that I did not defame France 2 when I said that its news report was a staged hoax. Because I … Continue reading

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