Monthly Archives: May 2008

IDF officers: Send us into Gaza

The IDF is starting to pressure the Israeli government, or at least, that’s what I’m concluding after reading this: Senior IDF officers serving in Gaza are frustrated over what they describe as the army’s lack of resolve and limited action … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 2 Comments

Careening towards peace

Why does it seem that when “peace” finally gets closer, events tend to become more chaotic.Even as Secretary Rice goes to the Middle East to attempt to get a “peace deal” between Israel and the Palestinians, there is a lot … Continue reading

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Expensive speech

via memeorandum The Australian reports: THE cheque from the Saudi Government for $360,000 was enclosed in an envelope.It was a donation, a gift, a part payment to subsidise the construction of a building that would become Sydney’s Muslim heartbeat: Lakemba … Continue reading

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Hamas: No fuel for hospitals, plenty for rockets

Why Gaza has no fuel: A Kassam rocked fired from the northern Gaza Strip hit a mini-market in central Sderot Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, the rocket did not break through the roof of the building, though five people at the scene … Continue reading

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Biased AP headline of the day

How’s this for an objective news source? Rice pushes for peace progress; Israel denies hidden agenda No bias there. Nope. None at all. Nor is there any bias in this article, about Hamas offering free rides to fuel-starved Gazans. Here … Continue reading

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Swiss pissed at 60 miss

The Swiss are upset because Israel didn’t invite any members of the government of Switzerland to Israel’s 60th birthday celebration. Hm. I wonder why. The relationship between Israel and Switzerland has been strained since a recent visit by Calmy-Rey to … Continue reading

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Haveil Havalim present and past

Our esteemed, lovely and talented co-blogger Simply Jews hosts this week’s tremendous Haveil Havalim #164 (the no-name edition) with a special emphasis on Yom Hashoa. I’ve been remiss these past couple of weeks keeping up with my regular carnivals.Last week’s … Continue reading

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Fourteen years ago

Fourteen years ago. On May 4, 1994, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat reached agreement in Cairo on the first stage of Palestinian self-rule.The agreement was made in accordance with the Oslo Accords, signed in Washington, … Continue reading

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“Unprepared” – to protect or to attack?

The Washington reports that Palestinian Recruits Hit Streets Unprepared The first class of Palestinian security officers trained under a multimillion-dollar U.S. program to strengthen the Palestinian Authority is deploying to one of the West Bank’s most restive cities without promised … Continue reading

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Hamas to Israel: Accept cease-fire or we’ll kill you

Way to conduct negotiations, Hamas. Hamas has threatened an “unprecedented escalation” against Israel if it does not agree soon to the Egyptian-mediated cease-fire offer, the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat reported Sunday. […] “All options are open. The ball is in the … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Israel | 2 Comments

Ten years today

I just realized: Ten years ago today, I quit smoking. I’m thinking by now, I’ve saved enough money to pay for my living room set, my kitchen set, and my Jeep.

Posted in Israel, Life | 3 Comments

Lazy Saturday

It was a lazy day today. Beautiful weather; thought about taking the top off the Jeep, but thunderstorms are moving in, so there went that notion. Maybe tomorrow, since there does seem to be a string of sunny weather coming … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Friday night kitten

I’ve been lax in posting the kitten pictures; I know. I’ve been busy with work and also still pretty shell-shocked over losing eight months of digital photos when I dropped my WD portable hard drive and broke it. I have … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Nice NASA photos

In recent days, there have been some really awesome, NASA pictures of the day. A Place in the Universe This montage of planetary images was taken by spacecraft managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Included are (from top to bottom) … Continue reading

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Never Again, defined by the Mossad

Uzi Arad, a former director of intelligence for the Mossad, has an op-ed in Ynet today that states exactly what I’ve been saying for decades: When Jews say “Never again,” we don’t mean that never again will the world commit … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Israel | 4 Comments