Oh noes! I has to pay a fine

Ut-oh. I forgot to credit Rahel for the very funny Colbert link the other day. As a result, I have to pay a Non-linking Blogging fine, because we are not the AP, going around stealing links and material from other bloggers without credit.

So here’s my fine: Two Gracie pictures.

Gracie inaction

Gracie sleeping. All together now: Awwwww.

Gracie in action

My goodness, she’s out of the dent! Alert the media!

Oh, wait. I AM the media, at least, the media that cares about Gracie. Oh. That makes me a medium. Well, better that than a large, I guess. For me, at least. (Oh, for the days of small.)

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4 Responses to Oh noes! I has to pay a fine

  1. Mog says:

    You can pay that fine any day. Gracie is mighty fine indeed.:)

  2. Rahel says:

    Wow, this is great! I’d better send you some more funny stuff, and then hope that you’ll forget to link me again!

  3. Rahel says:

    Seriously, here are some words for gorgeous Gracie.

    Amber. Milk.
    Gold. Silk.
    Deep, rich

  4. John M says:

    Stripey goodness.

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