Palestinians break cease-fire, nothing happens

Gee, that’s a surprise. (Note: Edited Tuesday morning; Ynet corrected the date the mortar was fired.)

A mortar fired by Palestinian gunmen in Gaza early Monday morning landed in Israel’s western Negev region.

The shell landed in an open area in close proximity to a community, but no injuries or damage were reported.

The incident was the first breach of the ceasefire agreement reached between Israel and armed Palestinian groups in the Strip, which went into effect Thursday morning.

There will be no consequences. None at all. If I were Ehud Olmert, I’d set the clock back to zero and tell Hamas it starts over again. But no, the Israeli leadership has no spine, and won’t even mention this breach of the agreement.

And of course, no mention of the breach of the agreement on the wire services. Funny how that always happens. But if an IDF soldier so much as looked across the border, they’d be screaming about Israel breaking the truce.

Same old stuff, different day.

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One Response to Palestinians break cease-fire, nothing happens

  1. John M says:

    But you see Meryl, the palestinians are just acting out of “understandable frustration”. It won’t be called “breaking the ceasefire” until Israel does it.

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