Monthly Archives: June 2008

Syrian serial peace making

David Ignatius hails Israel-Syrian negotiations in A surprise negotiation. There is so much wrong with this article it’s hard to know where to start. OK, I’ll start with Noah Pollak’s observation that Ignatius: regularly demonstrates that you can write about … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria | Tagged , | 3 Comments

What ceasefire?

Rockets hit Israel again today. And from the PA’s very own Fatah terrorists. A Qassam rocket was fired Thursday afternoon from the Gaza Strip into Israel, exploding in an open area in Sderot’s industrial zone. There were no reports of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Once more unto the breach

The NYT and Washington Post both reported on the recent breach of the ceasefire by Hamas. Though both papers included the reporting in articles about PM Olmert’s political maneuverings the Times did a superior job. The Washington Post left out … Continue reading

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Miraculous cure of a catatonic Ukrainian

This story happened in Ukraine during the Soviet times and has two protagonists: Jewish Professor of psychiatry, a diminutive man widely known for his knowledge, professionalism, ornery character and a compassion toward his patients. Ukrainian Patient who got into a … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Humor | 4 Comments

You put your left fist in…

Sarah sent me a link to the Hokey Pokey Hulk toy. It’s so bad it’s good. Meryl want.

Posted in Pop Culture, The Hulk | Tagged | 1 Comment

Good Government Terrorists

Barry Rubin writes about They’re Dictators and Terrorists But What Clean Streets!, after outlining the failures of Fatah, Prof. Rubin lays out the secrets of Hamas’s success. As for Hamas, it possesses three key weapons. The mainstream appeal of extremism … Continue reading

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Israel’s slow defeat

Ehud Olmert is presiding over Israel’s slow defeat by her enemies. What else can you call a situation when a country refuses to fight back when terrorists attack her? And not just refuses, but tells the enemy that she will … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Pictures = 1000’s of words

On the ceasefire: We have this picture with the caption: An Israeli woman stands outside her damaged house after a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza landed in the southern town of Sderot And this picture with this caption: … Continue reading

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Israel’s unacknowledged terror victims

The current AP boilerplate for Gaza is as follows: The Egyptian-brokered deal aims to end a year of violence that has killed more than 400 Palestinians, including dozens of civilians, and seven Israelis in a bloody cycle of Palestinian rocket … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Go Greyhound

Okay, so now I’ve checked around some more, after someone asked me, “Have you tried Greyhound?” and I said, “Duh! No!” $43 round trip, takes me to the Springfield-Franconia mall, four-tenths of a mile from the Metro station, which saves … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Work | 8 Comments

Tig3.0: The cycle is broken

For thirteen and a half years, I never had to clip Tig the First’s claws, because he never scratched. From time to time I’d don a pair of gloves and he would know it was no-holds-barred playtime. He loved it. … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 10 Comments

AP: Truce violations a “test”

And here we go. Buried in the middle of an article about an Israeli guard who committed suicide while Sarkozy was boarding his plane to leave Israel, we have this description of the Palestinians violating the truce: Earlier, Palestinian militants … Continue reading

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And the AP reverts to form: “Israel says” truce broken

Check out the headline: Rockets hit Israel, which says truce broken Gee. The truce says no launching of rockets. Rockets were launched. Is the truce broken? The AP doesn’t know. It has to say that Israel says the truce was … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Rockets hit Sderot, truce broken again

The truce is broken for the third time. The first was Hamas’ refusal to end smuggling. The second was a mortar fired early this morning. And now rockets are being fired at Sderot. Ceasefire shattered? Residents of Israel’s south were … Continue reading

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AP recognizes Palestinian truce violation

Holy crap! The AP noticed the truce violation, and even called it such. And get this—they didn’t call Israel’s killing of a “ticking bomb” terrorist a violation. What’s wrong with the editors? Palestinians fired a mortar into southern Israel in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 2 Comments