Monthly Archives: June 2008

The folly of revisiting Shebaa Farms

Jonathan Spyer explains the untoward interest the West has in Shebaa Farms: In the wake of the recent Doha agreement, the US is keen to bolster the position of Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora and the March 14 movement of … Continue reading

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No [blank] Tony

From Ethan Bronner’s Israel in the Season of Dread: Mr. Sara’s use of the word “calm” (“regiah” in Hebrew) was telling. No one quite knows what to call the current accord. Many use the Arabic word “tahadiya,” which is what … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 2 Comments

Palestinians break cease-fire, nothing happens

Gee, that’s a surprise. (Note: Edited Tuesday morning; Ynet corrected the date the mortar was fired.) A mortar fired by Palestinian gunmen in Gaza early Monday morning landed in Israel’s western Negev region. The shell landed in an open area … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Underwear can save your life

Yes, really. (H/T: My brother Eric.) BERLIN – An American hiker stranded in the Bavarian Alps for nearly three days was rescued after using her sports bra as a signal, police in southern Germany said Monday. Berchtesgaden police officer Lorenz … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Miscellaneous | 3 Comments

Politically aware

I’ll be damned. I’m on that political map that’s sweeping the blogosphere. Of course, they’ve got me wrong. I’m not conservative, I’m independent. But I think I won’t complain. I’m rather happy to be on the map. I guess this … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged | 4 Comments

The news AP doesn’t tell you

China’s Xinhua news agency is pretty anti-Israel, but it gives you the news that the AP won’t. For instance, a few days ago it carried a statement by Hamas that they would never, ever recognize Israel—statements that the AP seems … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Anthony Lewis II

Nicholas Kristoff sounds off about The Two Israels. In Kristoff’s simplistic formulation there’s the good Israel and the bad Israel. There are no grey areas. Here’s his take: It is here in the Palestinian territories that you see the worst … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | Comments Off on Anthony Lewis II

Just call him Mellow Yellow

Tig3 is the most laid back cat I have ever had. I keep saying that I’ve won the Kitty Lotto, because I have. After eleven years of one cat who absolutely did not let you do a thing to him … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 4 Comments

Haveil Havalim

Our very own Soccer Dad is hosting Haveil Havalim, a.k.a. Carnival of the Jews. If you like this blog, you’ll like the posts in the carnival. Go check it out.

Posted in Bloggers, Hamas, Jews | Tagged | Comments Off on Haveil Havalim

The price of appeasement

Israel appeases Hamas by entering a truce with them, and Hizbullah gets the message: Israel is a pushover. Hizbullah has returned to its original demand that Israel release not only several Lebanese prisoners but also hundreds of Palestinian ones in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Lazy Sunday cat picture

Your weekly Tig pic: The two of them share the sofa, if not much else. Gracie isn’t really showing signs of sudden acceptance. I was upstairs drying my hair this morning when I heard yowls and other suspicious noises from … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 3 Comments

Shire Network News

This week, hosted by one of our token Gentiles, Doug Payton. And I’ll be advertising it again on Monday. We got it out a bit late this week. I do have a contribution, and I wrote a few blog news … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | Tagged | 2 Comments

UN: terrorists OK, but not settlement builders

The UN’s most famous children’s relief fund just told an Israeli billionaire that his money isn’t good enough for them. Funny how the UN has no such scruples about employing Palestinian terrorists for UNRWA. The UN children’s fund UNICEF has … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Times of London: Israel war games a dress rehearsal

The Times of London found someone who is not proven liar Uzi Mahnaimi to get an Israeli official to say that Israel is going to attack Iran. Israeli aircraft have conducted a long-range mission designed to prepare for a possible … Continue reading

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Pat Buchanan: Hitler’s Willing Prevaricator

Pat Buchanan is now blaming the Holocaust on Great Britain, indirectly at least. He says that yes, Hitler hated Jews, but no, he wasn’t going to destroy them. Britain made him do it. That Hitler was a rabid anti-Semite is … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust | Tagged , , | 23 Comments