Monthly Archives: June 2008

Truce with Hamas? Let’s see

Israeli media is quiet so far, but Egyptians are already out with it: A senior Egyptian official said a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip will start on Thursday morning, the state-run Middle East News Agency … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 1 Comment

There always will be pooh

Jay Solomon of the WSJ reports: In fine-tuning his foreign-policy agenda, Barack Obama is turning to a core group of Middle East experts who have spent more than a decade, in Democratic and Republican administrations, exploring avenues to engaging Iran … Continue reading

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Something funny for a change

Steven Colbert had a hilarious segment on Israel’s national bird, and the recent decision that giraffes are kosher. Spit-monitor warning is in effect. Absolutely priceless video of Colbert drinking Manischewitz. The grape concord, if I’m not mistaken.

Posted in Humor, Israel, Television | 4 Comments

Not digging peace

An op-ed in Ha’aretz by Meron Benvenisti laments There is no archaeological peace. The subject is a draft agreement among archaeologists to define ownership of archaeological artifacts. Indeed, the agreement has sections that deal with the return of archaeological artifacts … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Israeli sea protest beached

Oh, this is too funny: A group of pro-Palestinian Israelis wanted to hold a demonstration at sea against the Gaza seige, but a Herzliya captain refused to take them on board until they dumped their kaffiyehs and Palestinian flags. They … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Another surrender by Israel

Palestinian Islamic Jihad is crowing victory over Israel. And why not? Israel is retreating in the face of PIJ rockets. “The decision to evacuate recruits from the Zikim base is yet another victory for the Palestinian resistance. Yesterday Erez, tomorrow … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Eldar hearts walt and mearsheimer

Ha’aretz’ Akiva Eldar starts his paean to Walt and Mearsheimer with this: Shaul Mofaz is not the first star to cast Iran in a part in the political game in Israel. Twelve years ago, in May 1996, on the eve … Continue reading

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Paper or plastic?

If I were dictator of the world, I would outlaw the question, “Paper or plastic?” that supermarket clerks keep asking. They always seem a bit taken aback when I tell them that I make enough decisions on a daily basis … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 7 Comments

The beginning of the thaw?

Whoa. Look what happened tonight. I was rather surprised that Gracie neither growled nor swatted Tig away. Mind you, she does that a lot, and she did it a few minutes later when Tig got a little too forward (by … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 7 Comments

Haveil Havalim

This week’s Carnival of the Jews, in two parts. One. Two. Why two? Why not?

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Keep on firing

Meryl charged that last week’s “work accident” would quickly fade down the memory hole and showed it happening. Update: And now (2:23 p.m. timestamp), all mention of the explosion is gone from AP updates. Move along, nothing to see here. … Continue reading

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The Stan Lee [Hulk] Solution

This post was first published May 2, 2002. Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that from time to time, I’ve been taking the Hulk perspective on various problems, specifically the Middle East. Well, when you take a hard … Continue reading

Posted in Blasts from the past, The Hulk | 3 Comments

Hulk say Hulk movie smash!

The Hulk is guest-blogging here again: Hulk go to new Hulk movie. Hulk was hoping it better than stupid movie girl took Hulk to last time. Stupid movie had giant dogs. Hulk in movie smash giant dogs, but that just … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, The Hulk | Tagged , | 2 Comments

What’s under Meryl’s desk?

A shelf, a dictionary, and… Tig.

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 5 Comments

Anti-Semitism going mainstream

Anti-Semitism has been rising the world over, and now it seems to be going mainstream. Witness this ad campaign in New Zealand: Billboards pitching a new programme for Prime Television have been removed after complaints from the Jewish community. One … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 15 Comments