Monthly Archives: June 2008

Mugniyah assassination: Not Mossad?

A German magazine says that Imad Mugniyah was killed in revenge for exposing a would-be coup: An attempt to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government was thwarted without the international community’s ever having noticed, German newspaper Die Welt reported Saturday, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Syria, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Democratically-elected govt. of PA bombards Israel

The democratically-elected government of the Palestinians fired 18 mortars and four kassam rockets at Israel today, in an attempt to prove that war means peace. That’s right, they’ve threatened that if Israel doesn’t make peace, Hamas will make war on … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Letter from Shalit: Still not proof of life

There’s no telling when the letter was written, at least, not according to anything in the news, but Gilad Shalit’s parents did receive another letter from him. The parents of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, who was taken prisoner by Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Arab League to hold meeting, Israel to ignore them

The Arab League is holding an “extraordinary” meeting about Israeli expansion of Jerusalem suburbs. CAIRO, June 5 (Xinhua) — The Arab League (AL) Council has decided to hold an extraordinary meeting on June 15 to discuss the Israeli settlement activities … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Juvenile Scorn, Religion | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Lazy Caturday afternoon

I am all out of things to write today. Instead, I give you the zen of Tig on Afghan. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. We took a Caturday afternoon nap. Tig was just napping. I was trying … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 7 Comments

Proof of Shalit’s death?

Funny how Hamas hasn’t managed to fulfill its promises to Jimmy Carter, the mediator extraordinaire who went to Gaza and declared Israel to be the criminals, not Hamas. Captured IDF soldier Gilad Schalit has still not written the letter Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

“Humliating” checkpoint saves Israeli lives

Soldiers caught yet another would-be bomber at one of those “humiliating” checkpoints—in an area the Palestinians are supposed to be policing. IDF soldiers manning the Hawara checkpoint near the West Bank city of Nablus apprehended on Sunday an 18-year-old Palestinian … Continue reading

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Jewish prayer book defaced, Jews riot

Well, no, actually, the police arrested the people in question and nothing else happened. These are Jews, not Muslims, after all. Shocked and repulsion seem the best words to describe the collective feelings of Haifa’s police reconnaissance unit upon entering … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 1 Comment

Betting with buffett

In People vs. Dinosaurs Thomas Friedman shows some surprising optimism about Israel. Question: What do America’s premier investor, Warren Buffett, and Iran’s toxic president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have in common? Answer: They’ve both made a bet about Israel’s future. Ahmadinejad declared … Continue reading

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A good Bob Herbert column

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this is a good Bob Herbert column. He gives a shout-out not just to the fact that a black man won the Democratic presidential nomination—a truly historic moment in our nation’s history—but he … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, Politics | Comments Off on A good Bob Herbert column

Israeli shows Al-Jazeera that Israeli spirit

An Israeli researcher told Al-Jazeera (and by proxy, Muslims) exactly what Jewish ties to Jerusalem are compared to the Arabs. Rayyan opened with the question, “Mr. Mordechai, is this decision meant to constitute another nail in the coffin of the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews, Religion | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Europe on privacy: Yes for terrorists, no for citizens

So let’s see if I get this straight. Europeans shut down the U.S. SWIFT program to sift through European bank data to try to stop terror financing because it broke EU privacy rules. But when researchers at Northwestern University sought … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, World | Tagged | 3 Comments

Daily Kos: L0ser

So let me see if I get this straight. Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos tried to defeat Joe Lieberman in his last Senate election. The Kos Kiddies did get Lieberman defeated in the Democratic primary, but Lieberman ran as … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 7 Comments

Why dirty bombs matter

All that talk about how dirty bombs won’t do a whole lot of damage outside the area in which they’re exploded? I’m calling bullshit on it. Because I am currently smelling the smoke from the North Carolina wildfires that are … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

June 6th? June 6th? Do I have something on June 6th?

It’s been driving me crazy all week. What is June 6th? What am I supposed to be doing on June 6th? Do I have an appointment? What the hell is happening on June sixth? What? Oh. This. Sixty-four years ago … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, World | 9 Comments