Monthly Archives: June 2008

Sophomoric oxymorons

A few years ago Thomas Friedman wrote a column, “Wanted: Fanatical moderates.” It was advocating the Geneva Accords, a PR exercise undertaken by Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo and a number of others. The point of the exercise was … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged | 4 Comments

Media hyperventilation watch: IDF heading for Gaza

It looks like the IDF is going to go into Gaza, as has been discussed for months. The 60th birthday celebrations are over, George W. Bush’s visit is done, Olmert has been to the U.S., and Hamas refuses to stop … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

101 things cats can do with a laptop

Laptop Boy has been learning tons since he first set paw on my computer last week. He has started his own game of Solitaire. He has turned on the Microsoft repeat-key program. Tonight, he searched on the letter “T” in … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 8 Comments

Today’s AP media bias, with UN equivalence thrown in

So the post from this morning that I told you to watch the updates on as the day goes by? Here’s the first version, timestamped 9:05: Palestinian girl, Israeli killed in fighting Hamas militants fired a barrage of mortar shells … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Cuteness overload

Your break from the news of the day: So cute he’s going to give you diabetes from the sugar overload.

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 3 Comments

People all over the world, join hands

People all over the world, join hands Start a love train, love train People all over the world, join hands Join a love train, love trainAll of your brothers over in Africa Tell all the folks in Egypt and Israel … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Democratically-elected govt. of Palestinians kills another Israeli

The Democratically-elected government of Hamas just killed one, and injured five Israelis in another mortar attack. A 52-year old man was killed Thursday morning when a mortar shell fired from northern Gaza landed in Kibbutz Nir Oz, located within Eshkol … Continue reading

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Islam and tolerance of other faiths

Does anyone else think that organizing a conference on interfaith dialogue—from the Saudia Arabian city of Mecca, a place in which only Muslims are allowed to set foot—is a signal that perhaps the Saudis don’t really mean what they say? … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Jews, Religion | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

This week’s SNN, hosted by yours truly

I hosted Shire Network News this week, and the juvenile scorn content level rose sharply. Sarcasm levels stayed about the same, though. The feature interview is with Anne Bayefsky, who reports on the anti-Semitic hatefest that will be Durban II. … Continue reading

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Better than them

Three Israeli soldiers have been sentenced to jail for abusing Palestinian prisoners. The Jaffa Military Court on Tuesday sentenced three fighters of the Haruv Battalion to five and a half months in prison after convicting them of abusing two Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 2 Comments

What a lousy night

Man. I just drove home from NorVA. There were tornado warnings up north. Then, as I was getting close to home, there were tornado warnings near where I live. Bookended by tornado warnings and driving through pouring rain. The drive … Continue reading

Posted in Life | Tagged | 1 Comment

Fulbrights and qassams

Israel’s DM Ehud Barak announced that the siege of Gaza is working: Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday said that Israel has identified signs of distress coming from Hamas. According to the defense minister, some 70 Hamas fighters have been … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

State Dept. clueless on terrorism

Bad enough the State Department has mandated the banning of jihad, jihadi, and Islamic terrorist. Now they’re trying to tell Israel that isolating Hamas has made it stronger. No, isolating Hamas without hunting down and killing its leadership has made … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

No peace with Syria

Say, remember my telling you that Syria isn’t making a serious offer towards peace with Israel? Yeah, well, I’m not wrong about that. Syrian President Bashar Assad said during a visit to The United Arab Emirates on Monday that Israel’s … Continue reading

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Leveraging – reloaded

Earlier I wrote about Thomas Friedman’s column, It’s all about leverage. In retrospect the construction of that post was awkward and needs a real makeover. Friedman, is capable of astute observations. In his op-ed today he argue that Iran, Syria … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias | 2 Comments