Monthly Archives: June 2008

Jihad on jihad

An op-ed in the NYT today asks What Do You Call a Terror(Jihad)ist? The word “jihad” means to “strive” or “struggle,” and in the Muslim world it has traditionally been used in tandem with “fi sabilillah” (“in the path of … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias | 1 Comment

Fullbright followup

The other day it was reported that the State Department was canceling 7 Fulbright scholarship to students in Gaza. Given the way the story was reported, it looked like a pretty obvious attempt of the State Department to embarrass Israel … Continue reading

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AP misinforms the world

Two versions of the same story went out about the Hizbullah/Israel trade of remains for a prisoner. In the earlier version, the background on the Samir Kuntar story went like this: A larger swap is extremely emotional for Israelis because … Continue reading

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More anti-Christian attacks in Gaza

Hamas’ lies about respecting Gaza’s Christians continue to be exposed, and ignored by the world. A Palestinian human rights group says assailants have beaten up guards and stolen a bus from a Christian school in Gaza. The Palestinian Center for … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Religion | Tagged | 4 Comments

Trade in human body parts according to Hizballah

The magnanimity and generosity of Sheik Nasrallah (PBUH) doesn’t know borders. Red Cross confirms receiving box which Shiite organization claims contains body parts of Israeli soldiers killed in Second Lebanon War, following release of convicted Lebanese spy Nissim Nasser from … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Terrorism | 2 Comments

One step closer to Samir Kuntar’s freedom

I’ve been reluctant to write about this, because it simply enrages me. The murderer who comitted one of the most heinous crimes in Israel’s history is about to be set free. Israel needs the death penalty to prevent more trades … Continue reading

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In a hypothetical column written in 1999, Thomas Friedman described how PM Binyamin Netanyahu would be re-elected. Now that Israeli troops are out of Lebanon, noted Mr. Netanyahu, everything is reversed: Politically, if the Iranian-directed Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas try to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Comments Off on Leveraging

Hoyt’s blindness again

Clark Hoyt still hasn’t addressed my question about how the NYT reports news, however he’s dug up a several weeks old column to question whether the Times was correct in running a specific opinion piece. At issue is an op-ed … Continue reading

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