The world news is depressing, but the kitty news is nothing but good. Tig and Gracie continue their path towards becoming friends, although it has its pitfalls.
In this picture, Tig is trying to play with Gracie. They’d already had a session or three a bit earlier, and Gracie pretty much had enough. What I didn’t catch was Gracie telling Tig in no uncertain terms that she was tired of him. That being said, I have woken up the past two days with both cats in my new bed. I think they really like the bed. I do, too. It’s a Eurotop, which is the new name for a mattress that has a foam pad sewn on top of it, and it’s extremely comfortable without the price of a full foam bed. I found out just before they delivered it that my full/queen bed set only has a full frame. So rather than have them take it back and wait for a frame, it’s on the floor. (Which may add to the cat’s liking to be on the bed so much now that it’s lower.)
Mom’s coming into town today. We’ll go shopping for a new frame, and Sarah has volunteered to help me put it together (I really do suck at simple handy things like that, but you also need help moving mattresses). Meantime, it’s Tig’s playground, and Gracie is back where she belongs.
Yesterday, I woke up with Gracie at the foot of my bed in her old spot, and Tig sleeping on my shins. Today, Miss Gracie was up on the pillow next to me and Tig was sleeping on my feet again. Actually, he was awake and chirruping. Then he wended his way up to me while Gracie exited.
I really like having a two-cat morning again. I’m still pretty shocked that she’s accepting him, and even playing with him. I thought she was going to hate him until the day she died. All of you who told me to give them time were right. All of you who told me that bringing a young cat into a house with an old one rejuvenates the old one are right. Gracie is playing like a kitten again.
And speaking of playing like a kitten:
That’s him, on my new bed, with a rolled-up paper ball. And he just came to me for his morning snug while I was writing this post. Today will be exciting—Mom’s coming in, and he’s not quite used to people yet. But he’s getting better at it. Air Conditioner Guy came over yesterday, and Tig did come close enough to check him out. I expect he’ll be just fine with Mom by tomorrow.
She’s hoping to get one of the cats to sleep with her. I’m thinking she’s out of luck on that one. Now that Gracie has reasserted her property rights in my bedroom, she’s probably going to stay with me. And that’s just fine by me.
300- Threadcount Microgel Puffball Fiber Bed
Great pics!
Love to see the two of them together.
Keep the pics coming, its a great instant smile for us katz lovers.
Awww, they’re adorable together wouldn’t know Gracie had had enough. Tig does have the fluffiest tail. More kitty pics is always desired.
I think the new thick mattresses is a ploy to make people go out and buy new sheets. I have the softest, most comfortable sheets and they didn’t fit my bed when I got a new one. I was so disappointed.
But I might consider that puffball fiber bed as I have new sheets which will take 10 years to soften with my luck.