A superhero in Iraq

Milo Ventimiglia, one of my favorites from Heroes, went on a USO tour and talked about the show a bit.

He met many soldiers who were familiar with his show, and had strong opinions about his character’s nemesis, Sylar (played diabolically by Zachary Quinto).

“When I was over in Iraq and Afghanistan, a lot of soldiers were like, ‘Dude, will you just kill Sylar already? Will you just get rid of him?'” Ventimiglia told The Associated Press during a telephone interview this week. “And I’m like, ‘Man, I don’t know if you’re gonna want that just yet. I think you’re going to be very surprised as to what happens.'”

Yeah, that’s what I say. No real spoilers in the article, but Milo brought up the possibility that his character may turn bad, and Sylar may turn good. Now that will be interesting.

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One Response to A superhero in Iraq

  1. Tatterdemalian says:

    I’m pretty sure the problem Peter has is that he *can’t* kill anybody, because doing so, or even working up the anger needed to do so, will make him explode, thanks to Ted’s power. As a result, he can only watch as good people around him are murdered, and eventually he will decide “to hell with it” and strike back the only way he can, with New York City paying the price.

    I’m pretty sure Sylar could only find redemption in the minds of the suicidally emo, though. Let’s face it, the guy has killed over a dozen people and eaten their brains, including people whose only crime was to be deceived by him. It would have to be a Neon Genesis Evangelion style ending, with Sylar in the role of Shinji. Which, when you consider how messed up both Shinji and the End of Evangelion were, may well be the direction the writers are going.

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