Monthly Archives: July 2008


When last we mentioned Tig’s particular, ah, ailment, it was under control. The antibiotic ear goop that the vet prescribed had cleared up his gastrointestinal upsets, and the kitty flatulence was conquered. Or so we thought. Tig started getting more … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 10 Comments

The shallow Egypt-Israel peace

One of the shining examples of peacemaking in the Middle East always comes back to the 1978 Camp David Accords. Peace between Israel and Egypt is held up as the prize package, even though no other Arab country has waged … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | Tagged | 1 Comment

Israeli columnist: Hamastan is a good thing!

When I saw the following link at Ha’aretz – Aluf Benn: ‘Hamastan’ is prototyope for future Palestinian state, I was surprised. Benn is a committed leftist, and I was surprised that he was acknowledging the danger of strengthening Hamas. Then … Continue reading

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Arab states don’t fulfill their commitments to the Palestinians

The Washington Post reports Arab Aid to Palestinians Often Doesn’t Fulfill Pledges. In 2002, when oil prices were hovering around $21 a barrel, nearly two dozen Arab nations joined to pledge yearly contributions of $660 million to support the Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Is there a civil war brewing?

Elder of Ziyon was likely one of the first bloggers to note Friday’s bombing in Gaza, which brought the death toll of Palestinians killed by Palestinians this year up to 122. Israel Matzav wondered if there’s a harbinger of civil … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas | 2 Comments

The definition of chutzpah

A terrorist’s family sued the government of Israel for damages—for killing the terrorist when he drew a knife and tried to murder a Border Guard. The judges determined that the family are deluded. And they have to pay court costs. … Continue reading

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Haveil Havalim is up

The Carnival of the Jews is ready for you, Mr. DeMille.

Posted in Bloggers, Jews | 1 Comment

A moment of apartment zen

Every time something annoying happens in my crappy apartment complex now, I say to myself: Six weeks. I’ll be out of here in six weeks. Right now, the annoying ice cream truck is out there with its annoying “Pop Goes … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

A tale of two headlines

The AP never disappoints. Nine people have been killed and 42 wounded in Lebanon in the past two days, yet all you find is a brief story in the AP, whitewashed and vague. On the other hand, Israeli troops found … Continue reading

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Sen. Obama’s JPost interview

via memeorandum The Jerusalem Post interviewed presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama during his trip to Israel. Despite the praise, the editor David Horovitz gives the candidate: And on Wednesday evening, Obama answered my question about whether Israel has a right … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Diggin’ the digging

Ethan Bronner reports Museum Offers Gray Gaza a View of Its Dazzling Past It may sound like the indulgence of a well-fed man fleeing the misery around him. But when Jawdat N. Khoudary opens the first museum of archaeology in … Continue reading

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The answer my friend …

Today Thomas Friedman takes from Texas to Tel Aviv. What would happen if you cross-bred J. R. Ewing of “Dallas” and Carl Pope, the head of the Sierra Club? You’d get T. Boone Pickens. What would happen if you cross-bred … Continue reading

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Qantas still hasn’t crashed

Qantas airlines had a pretty incredible save the other day The NYT reports: The jumbo jet, which carried 346 passengers and 19 crew members, landed safely on Friday and those on board left without injury. As a piece of fuselage … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | Tagged | 1 Comment

Unexplained media bias rips through news outlets

It truly is fascinating to watch the AP bias in reporting about Israel and the Palestinians. Let’s go to an old post of mine first to look at an old AP story about Israel: Israeli Troops Kill 8 Palestinians Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment


Hm. This doesn’t look good. Sales of existing homes tumbled more sharply than expected in June, pushing activity down to the lowest level in more than a decade. With an already huge glut of homes on the market, median prices … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 9 Comments