Monthly Archives: July 2008

Family time

So Mom has met her grandkitty, and found him adorable. She is, of course, spoiling him rotten. Look what she thinks is a fine thing to let him do: I swear, my cats are the worse for wear every time … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 1 Comment

The word of scum

Last week Elder of Ziyon noted a report by David Bedein, that Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev had been captured alive by Hezbollah, and concluded that, therefore, Hezbollah must have murdered the two. After some commenters (myself included) noted that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | Tagged | 1 Comment

A superhero in Iraq

Milo Ventimiglia, one of my favorites from Heroes, went on a USO tour and talked about the show a bit. He met many soldiers who were familiar with his show, and had strong opinions about his character’s nemesis, Sylar (played … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 1 Comment

The deal that Ehud made

The piper’s bill is coming due: Haniyeh and Hamas are ramping up their expectations for Shalit. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said on Saturday that the prisoner exchange deal between Hizbullah and Israel paved the way for Palestinian organizations to … Continue reading

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The lightness of posting

My mother’s in town, and I am taking a few days off from work. Thanks again to my co-bloggers for keeping this place hopping. I’ll post when I get the time, but we’re kinda busy. Cat pictures, maybe. Mom’s really … Continue reading

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Just one more iddy biddy concession and they’ll love you

Before Israel agreed to a ceasefire with Hezbollah in 2006, Thomas Friedman wrote a column, The Morning After the Morning After, in which he argued that the population of Lebanon would eventually turn on Hezbollah when it realized the costs … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 3 Comments

German engineering

The mediator who arranged the swap of live terrorists for dead soldiers is a German official. No wonder he was skilled with dead Jews. Anyway Israel Matzav observes that Hamas is quite happy with his work and would now like … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Low and lower

The recent do on the border with Lebanon couldn’t have passed without the inimitable Fisk checking in with a totally idiotic opus in the captive Indy. Since fisking Fisk is too nineties (simply put – you do not fisk anyone … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 3 Comments

Today’s moment of kitty zen

The world news is depressing, but the kitty news is nothing but good. Tig and Gracie continue their path towards becoming friends, although it has its pitfalls. In this picture, Tig is trying to play with Gracie. They’d already had … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 4 Comments

Dennis anyone?

via memeorandum Time Magazine reports on the Middle East expert who will be accompanying Sen. Obama to the Middle East next week Obama’s Conservative Mideast Pick: Dennis Ross. Though he served under James Baker in the Bush 41 administration I’d … Continue reading

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A soldier’s view

In emphasizing criticisms of the trade Israel made to get the return of the bodies of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, I’ve ignored a certain constituency: that of an Israeli soldier. Simply Jews, an ex-soldier writes: As an ex-soldier, I … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

Helping others while standing in quicksand

Recently Daled Amos observed that When Weak Leaders Need To Be ‘Bolstered,’ Israel Is The Go-To Guy. PM Olmert was counted on to boost Siniora in Lebanon, who is planning to welcome back Samir Kuntar tomorrow, But Olmert’s own weakness … Continue reading

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Why weren’t the soldiers declared KIA two years ago?

Lynn reminded me of an article from a few weeks ago detailing how the IDF pronounced Eldad and Goldwasser killed in action. “During the incident and the injury, the (first) missing soldier was wearing the examined bullet-proof vest… The damage … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | Tagged | 1 Comment

Ban Ki-Moon can’t read, can’t remember his own words

Ban Ki-Moon is hailing the exchange of live prisoners for dead Israeli soldiers as the “completion” of part of UNSC 1701. The secretary general conveyed his heartfelt condolences and said he is deeply satisfied that the humanitarian aspects of Security … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, The Exception Clause, World | Tagged | 2 Comments

A good news post for today

Oil is down another $4 per barrel. And may we all say: Amen. Fluffy kitty posts to come later today. The news just reeks, otherwise.

Posted in Miscellaneous | 4 Comments