Monthly Archives: July 2008

Hezbullah wins

Hezbullah didn’t even have to hold up its end of the deal fully, and yet, the prisoner exchange is going ahead. The Israeli Prison Service transferred Monday morning four of the Lebanese prisoners slated for release in the framework of … Continue reading

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Before you quote Uzi Mahnaimi, read this

The Sunday Times is publishing proven fantasist Uzi Mahnaimi on yet another unsourced, headline-grabbing Israel story. This time, he says George Bush gave Israel the go-ahead to attack Iran. But don’t rush to reprint this story on your blog. The … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

Daily rocket and mortar attacks, “truce” is still on

So what exactly is Israel getting for the truce? Nothing. Two mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip on Sunday afternoon landed near the border fence, on its Palestinian side, in the Kibbutz Nahal Oz area. There were no reports … Continue reading

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Practical or tacky?

A wedding hall ATM: Guests at an Israeli wedding hall can now insert a credit card into a machine at its entrance, tap in a sum and leave a gift for the bride and groom. “It’s new in Israel and … Continue reading

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The army’s top 10 inventions and the legacy of Harry Diamond

Harry Diamond was credited with developing the proximity fuze for artillery shells. (.pdf) About a year before Pearl Harbor, the United States became interested in the development of the proximity fuze. It was calculated (and borne out in combat) that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Ask Mark Regev

Got a question for Israel’s foreign media adviser? Go here and ask it. Mine’s already been asked. I would word it a bit differently: Why the hell can’t Israel manage her own PR better? The Arabs have been winning the … Continue reading

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Exercising my Second Amendment rights

I went to a gun show today. And came home with a .38 revolver and a .22 rifle. The rifle is for fun. The revolver is for protection. I am now an armed American. Mind you, I won’t be shooting … Continue reading

Posted in Guns | Tagged | 13 Comments

My simple litmus test

Richard Gold of Engage made an amazing discovery when, as a youngster, he thought he is joining an anti-fascist demo, and it appeared that in fact the fascist side is represented (oh the horror of it!) by the socialist British … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics, World | Tagged | 2 Comments

Early Caturday posting

Okay, so it’s Friday, not Caturday. But still. So, remember all those goofy poses I caught Tig in? Looks like his successor is going to be just as goofy. This is what I saw when I looked over from my … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 3 Comments

Moderate PA wants to honor mass-murderer of Jews

The “moderates” in the Palestinian Authority would like Israel to hand over the corpse of a female Palestinian terrorist who took part in an attack that murdered 36 and wounded 71. Because they want to honor the mass-murderer. The Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged | 1 Comment

As the WRMEA turns

When I first read about the plight of Gaza reporter Mohammed Omer, I was suspicious. Omer claimed that when he returned to Gaza (via Jordan) after receiving a “journalism” award he was mistreated and beaten by Israel guards. The truth … Continue reading

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Daily truce violations; daily inaction from Israel

Kassams continue to rain down on Israel daily. Closing the crossings just isn’t enough. What is Barak waiting for? Two Qassam rockets were fired from northern Gaza towards Israel on Thursday afternoon, one of them landed near a kibbutz in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

International Israeli influence (the good kind)

Newsweek’s reporting (h/t Noah Pollak) Borrowing television formats isn’t new; some of our most successful franchises—”American Idol,” “Survivor,” “The Office,” to name three—started in Europe. But with two shows hitting TV this year and another two in development, it’s Israel … Continue reading

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Pat Buchanan: The neo-Nazi is out of the closet

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck—it’s an effing duck. (H/T: Charles.) On June 29th, MSNBC personality and three-time presidential candidate Pat Buchanan appeared on a neo-Nazi radio program to promote his … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 7 Comments

AP bias: What’s in a word?

You know, I’m starting to see a pattern here. In this unbylined article about the Palestinian Prime Minister’s reaction to Israel’s raid on Hamas in the West Bank, you get this headline: Palestinian premier criticizes Israeli raids It’s not a … Continue reading

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