Monthly Archives: July 2008

The AP’s moral equivalency problem

See if you can figure out what AP’s moral equivalency problem is. An Israel-Hamas truce has boiled down to a simple tradeoff: For a day of calm, Israel adds five truckloads of cows and 200 tons of cement to its … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

Israel: cancelled

Those moderate voices from Iran continue to reverberate throughout the world: Iranian calls for the destruction of Israel are almost routine these days. But for a former official of the Islamic Republic to call for the destruction of the Jewish … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Today’s moment of kitty zen

When the world is simply too depressing for words, there are always: Cat pictures. Today’s moment of kitty zen: Orange kitten asleep on black leather sofa. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. I am happy to report that … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 5 Comments

Still the Samir?

Given the sympathy that the Washington Post once showed for Samir Kuntar in a news story, the editorial An Unwelcome Hero was welcome, if flawed. If anyone ever deserved the title “baby-killer,” it is Samir Kuntar. Yet his freedom has … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media, Media Bias, Terrorism | Tagged | 1 Comment

Israel’s surrender, cont’d.

The terms of the truce are clear. Hamas is to stop all attacks from Gaza. No more mortars, no more kassams, no more attempts to kill Israelis. In return, Israel opens the crossings and sends in more goods. Hamas keeps … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged | 2 Comments

Authority without accountibility

After Arafat died, a number of news articles appeared reporting on how pragmatic Hamas politicians were. The gist of the articles was that though Hamas was known as a terrorist organization, there was no denying that the politicians from Hamas … Continue reading

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Closing the crossings again

Another mortar, another truce violation, another pretend measure. The crossings are closed, but they’ll reopen, and the mortars will resume. Defense Minister Ehud Barak ruled Monday against the reopening of Israel’s goods crossings with Gaza on Tuesday, in wake of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

My, how big you’ve grown

Compare and contrast. June 11: July 7: He’s a growing boy. One of my coworkers is particularly impressed by the double-curl of Tig’s tail. She says she’s never seen that before. Here’s a better picture of it: It’s a cat … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 6 Comments

More girl stuff

Gentlemen, you may be excused. Don’t blame me if you don’t care for the content of this post. You have been warned by the title and the category and, well, this warning. You know, I think we already discussed how … Continue reading

Posted in Girl Talk | 8 Comments

If I were the dictator of the world

Ice cream trucks would have bells. And that’s it. No stupid songs. No stupid noises. Bells only. Using anything other than bells would be a capital offense. I hate living in an apartment complex in the summertime.

Posted in Evil Meryl | 4 Comments

The AP: Hamas rockets are Israel’s fault

Our old buddy Ali Daragmeh, one of those unbiased AP reporters, had this to say about the reason for the violations of the truce by terrorists from Gaza: Three weeks ago, Israel and Palestinian militants in Hamas-ruled Gaza agreed to … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Both sides of the story do not equal truth

One of the things that is extremely puzzling about any AP report on Samir Kuntar is why the AP insists on presenting Kuntar’s side of the story as if the facts were disputed. In every story about the Lebanese prisoner … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | Tagged | 3 Comments

Haveil Havalim – doing what he does anyway

Check out the latest Haveil Havalim #172 hosted by my old friend (appropriate since it’s the “old fogey” edition) Daled Amos. Truth is he’s doing what he does daily anyway. If there’s any blogger out there who’s promoting the rest … Continue reading

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Truce violations = non-truce violations

Ehud Olmert does the predictable, and ignores all Palestinian truce violations. Mortar fire? No problem. Kassam rockets? Not an issue. Sniper attacks on Israeli farmers? Hey, it’s just another day in Gaza Town. Palestinians opened fire Sunday afternoon at farmers … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

Celine Dion on the Middle East

I’ve learned many important things from Barry Rubin. Last week’s column taught me something new: Celine Dion covered Eric Carnen’s “All by myself.” Dr. Rubin used the lyrics to illustrate the shifting sands of politics of the Middle East. For … Continue reading

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