Monthly Archives: July 2008

Booting Hersh

Last week, Cheat Seeking Missiles went after Seymour Hersh for an recently written “expose” in the New Yorker. What troubled me is that CSM took everything Hersh wrote at face value. Hersh cherry picks some stuff, confuses some stuff, makes … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Still on holiday time

Hey, I checked my email again and took care of something important for work. Me, I’m relaxing and reading up on mattresses and looking around at sales. And playing with Tig. Yep. A busy day.

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Fine Arabian chargers

Horse racing appears to be really popular among the Palestinians. Unfortunately there was an accident at the races today near Nablus. A Palestinian man , left and a horse rider, lay on the ground after they collided during a horse … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Media Bias | Tagged | 3 Comments

Interesting euphemisms

Honor Guard An honor guard stand to attention … These are members of Hamas brandishing (I think) AK-47’s. Wouldn’t the more appropriate term be “armed terrorists?” Iranian diplomats picture depicting the four Iranian diplomats who were kidnapped in Lebanon in … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Miscellaneous | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Not the worst politician

Eric Trager had a post a few days ago The Worst Politician Ever?: Still, one might expect Israel’s political leadership-which overwhelmingly approved the deal yesterday-to declare that Israel is achieving some sort of strategic benefit through the prisoner swap. After … Continue reading

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Glorious Fourth

I never get tired of posting this: The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | Tagged | 4 Comments

Never the twain shall meet

Griff Witte’s report, Motives in Earthmover Rampage Debated in Jerusalem is striking for two things one that it says and one that it omits. Israeli officials and media described Edwyat as a terrorist who had targeted Jews. But friends and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

De-stress holiday cat post

Time to forget about our problems and think about the simpler things in life. Like, cats. And umbrellas. And cats and umbrellas. Oh. No wonder my umbrella started leaking the last time I used it. “Oh, were you looking for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

Reflexively telling

Yesterday, Boker Tov Boulder aptly observed that following a terror attack: … there’s the attack by the media that inevitably follows. Then there’s the aftermath, in which we can see the results of the first two, usually along the lines … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Terrorism | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The utter denial of the Arab mind

Unbelievable. First, the lawyer says that the Israeli Arab who murdered three and wounded at least 66 should not have been shot. Then the family says it wasn’t a deliberate attack. It was a “road accident.” The lawyer representing the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

The AP finally names the victims

Stop the presses. The AP has identified two of the three victims of the Palestinian terrorist attack. Of course, their identities are buried deep within the story, instead of in the lead, as they would be if they were Arab … Continue reading

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Maureen Dowd gets it wrong

I rarely read Maureen Dowd anymore. I idolized her columns when I was in college. Times change. But she ends a column—ironically titled “The Wrong Stuff—about the current sniping about the candidates’ military experience, with this: Maybe instead of refighting … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, World | 9 Comments

Can’t change the narrative

The original AP headline for the Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem? Driver rams vehicle into Jerusalem bus, killing 3 Like it was an accident, instead of a deliberate, murderous attack.

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Defining deviancy

Palestinian terrorists are now resorting to using heavy machinery to kill Israelis. Three dead, and 45 wounded*, when an Arab Israeli drove his bulldozer into cars, buses, and crowds. Three women were killed and at least 30 more people were … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Benchmarks, liquor then Israel?

According to a report issued by the White House, the Iraqi government is showing satisfactory progress on most of the political benchmarks it needs to. Iraq’s political and military success is considered vital to U.S. interests, whether troops stay or … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment