Beg pardon, Norm 2

The ink has barely dried on that post where I have dared to dispute Norm’s statement on limits of stupidity, and here comes more proof that I was right. Stupidity is unlimited.

This proof comes from the same (possibly inexhaustible) source of morons – the Comment Is Free of The Guardian. This time the author is one Richard Silverstein, a good example of the “assaJew” species.

As an appetizer (or an introduction to ease your way into the situation and to avoid trauma), here is a sampler (no links, look it up yourself if you don’t believe) of Richard’s feverish brain activity. The post in question is titled:


And the first sentence of the post starts with:

The IDF has formally exonerated the tank crew which killed Reuters cameraman Fadel Shana…

Well – exonerated, justified – who cares, especially if you are an idiot in a hurry to throw more shit at the darn Israelis.

(More on the subject here.)

There is more in the story quoted above, it’s definitely worth your attention, but I judge you now ready for the main course – that CiF article linked above, which includes the following gem re Mahmoud Darwish and his Israeli colleague Yehuda Amichai:

In the US, you might have to go back to either Robert Frost or Ezra Pound to find someone of comparable stature.

Bingo. Yehuda Amichai, a dovish and gentle leftist whose poetry rarely, if at all, hurt anyone and Ezra Pound – while a genius, also a raving anti-Semite, a fascist and all around dirty character.

Comparable statue, indeed… See, Richard, you are an imbecile. “Imbecile” means that the problem is not with your upbringing, education or lack of thereof. It is the (rather unfortunate) fact and associated vagaries of your birth and as such cannot be alleviated. So make peace with your imbecility and smile.

Richard smiles…

Many thanks to DT for the tip, and many thanks to Will for this essay on stupidity that I’ll be enjoying shortly – as soon as I click “Publish” on this post.

Cross-posted on SimplyJews.

(*) The habit to shout in upper case is beyond my comprehension. It must have something to do with abusive or repressive parents. Or some other childhood trauma, like falling on one’s head from one’s chamberpot. Who knows… But, on the other hand, who cares?

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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7 Responses to Beg pardon, Norm 2

  1. Snoopy, that essay is unbelievably great. A snippet:

    With a stupid person all this is absolutely impossible as explained by the Third Basic Law. A stupid creature will harass you for no reason, for no advantage, without any plan or scheme and at the most improbable times and places. You have no rational way of telling if and when and how and why the stupid creature attacks. When confronted with a stupid individual you are completely at his mercy. Because the stupid person’s actions do not conform to the rules of rationality, it follows that:

    a) one is generally caught by surprise by the attack; b) even when one becomes aware of the attack, one cannot organize a rational defense, because the attack itself lacks any rational structure.

    The fact that the activity and movements of a stupid creature are absolutely erratic and irrational not only makes defense problematic but it also makes any counter-attack extremely difficult – like trying to shoot at an object which is capable of the most improbable and unimaginable movements. This is what both Dickens and Schiller had in mind when the former stated that “with stupidity and sound digestion man may front much” and the latter wrote that “against stupidity the very Gods fight in vain.”

  2. Oh… and I thought you likes the post too ;-)

  3. Yep. Silverstein is a class-one asshole, if he’s the one I’m thinking of. Australian?

  4. Snoopy, the essay is utterly borne out by a look at the top CiF essays. There’s one that’s titled: “This is a tale of US expansion not Russian aggression”

    Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  5. Silverstein is your fellow (hm…) American. Here it is, but promise to delete the link after a look:

    And yes, this “essay” is precisely what Norm made a short work of, I believe it’s by that another imbecile Seumas Milne…

  6. Interesting. He comes out of the same program that Rabbi Putz (the rabbi who managed to ruin what little unity there was left in my synagogue before he ditched us and ran to another shul) came from.

    That explains a lot.

    I’ll have to send you a link to Putz’s self-published self-help book. He reads excerpts.

    That’s right, I remember looking this jerk up before.

    Well, link’s been edited out.

    I actually wish I had a couple of hours with Silverstein. I know it’s futile, but at the very least, I’d be able to shut him up with the facts. I’ve seen it in action. You find someone with these stupid viewpoints, you bring up actual, factual information, they try to move the goalposts. You tell them they are not allowed to move the goalposts and must answer the questions you’re posing, and they splutter and bluster and ultimately stop talking.

    Then you win.

  7. Aussie Dave says:

    You may have thought Silverstein is Australian because I’ve ripped him a new one a few times,and he still can’t stop whining about me.

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