Anti-Semitism roundup

Oh, look. A modern-day kapo.

Some of Hecht-Galinski’s critics say she is misusing her deceased father’s stature as an esteemed public figure to mount an anti-Israel campaign. She has invoked the phrase “as the daughter of Heinz Galinski” to defend her criticisms of Israel.

In a Deutschlandradio interview last year, she defended the remarks of German Catholic Bishops Gregor Maria Hanke and Walter Mixa, who, while visiting Israel in March 2007, equated Israel with Nazi Germany.

“This morning we saw pictures of the Warsaw Ghetto at Yad Vashem and this evening we are going to the Ramallah ghetto,” Hanke said. For Mixa, Ramallah was “ghetto-like” and “almost racism.”

The mantra works for people like her, too.

Hugh Chavez met with Jewish leaders last week and insisted that he’s not an anti-Semite. No, he just likes sending his goons into Jewish gatherings.

“We mentioned our concerns about anti-Semitism and asked him what his position was,” Schneider said. “And he said he was certainly not an anti-Semite.”

The socialist president said it was a “very important meeting,” but did not elaborate.

Funny. You’d think a man who was truly interested in setting to rest charges of anti-Semitism would say more than that. Because when he does things like this:

Venezuela’s Jewish groups condemned a police raid on their community center last December, saying authorities were searching for nonexistent weapons. They also have denounced graffiti on synagogue walls with slogans such as “Here are the assassins of Palestine” and “Jews go home.”

it sure looks like he has a problem with Jews—not just “Zionists.”

Yet another incident proves the French have their own little cachet when it comes to anti-Semitism.

French police are investigating the sale of T-shirts bearing an anti-Semitic slogan and have detained the owner of a Paris shop that sold the clothing.

[…] The official is not authorized to speak publicly and asked to remain anonymous, but corroborated a report that the T-shirts bear the words, in German and in Polish: “Entry to the park forbidden to Jews.”

They can’t even think up anything new. They’re recycling old German slogans. Schmucks.

And last but not least, one of the comments that I generally delete without even looking:

If there were real peace the US would not need to give Egypt any military aid or money. Use your f***ing head you stupid f***ing Jew. YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS. F***ing fake white ass c****. Go back to where you come from. Go back to europe you f***ing c***. F*** you and your families. Shalom to you yiddish piss f***s.

That’s from an anti-Semitic f**k in Brighton, England using the IP address (They use the c-word in England like it’s “jerk” or something.) And may I say, do the world a favor and just die already, you ignorant, anti-Semitic twat. (They use that word a lot over there as well.)

It really makes you wonder: How small are anti-Semites’ penises to make them so very angry like that? I mean, their inferiority of intellect is obvious in the fact that almost none of them can make a coherent email. But there must be something else driving them. Besides their inherent stupidity, that is. Because this moron doesn’t even know that I’m living in America, not Israel, and, well, America is the country where the smart Europeans come to get away from the stupid Eureopeans like this one.

I think that one hurt its brain after reading my site.

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One Response to Anti-Semitism roundup

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    This guy is a great example of my contention that anti-semitism isn’t about Jews, it’s about anti-semites. They are born losers who won’t or can’t own up to their shortcomings and failures, so they blame it all on the Joooos.

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