Oh people! Enough!

The Spine links to a plea from a liberal Kuwaiti writer translated by MEMRI:

“I would like to shout to the Arabs and the Muslims: Oh, people! Enough! Oh, [champions] of war, struggle, jihad, and honor! Enough! Life in our homeland has been destroyed. By the doors of the embassies of the French and British, against whose colonialism we fought, stand crowds of young people belonging to the new generation, who are applying for entry visas. The U.S., whose flag we burn at every demonstration, is the one safeguarding peace in the countries of the Arab and Muslim world, as well as in many Third World countries…”

Still the parts excerpted don’t mention Israel or even the Zionist entity. So is it the hatred of the West and Israel that he’s decrying or just Arab on Arab and Muslim on Muslim violence?

Compare with this:

” Obviously not all Muslims are terrorists but, regrettably, the majority of the terrorists in the world are Muslims. The kidnappers of the students in Ossetia are Muslims. The kidnappers and killers of the Nepalese workers and cooks are also Muslims. Those who rape and murder in Darfour are Muslims, and their victims are Muslims as well. Those who blew up the residential complexes in Riyadh and Al-Khobar are Muslims. Those who kidnapped the two French journalists are Muslims. The two [women] who blew up the two planes [over Russia] a week ago are Muslims. Bin Laden is a Muslim and Al-Houthi [the head of a terrorist group in Yemen] is a Muslim. The majority of those who carried out suicide operations against buses, schools, houses, and buildings around the world in the last ten years are also Muslims.”

Crossposted on Yourish.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to Oh people! Enough!

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    “Still the parts excerpted don’t mention Israel or even the Zionist entity.”

    Maybe the guy doesn’t want to get his head chopped off.

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