Monthly Archives: August 2008

But don’t call it anti-Semitism

Okay, so the Arab/Muslim conflict isn’t with Jews. It’s with Israel. Their proponents tell us so all the time, as do the media. So perhaps someone can explain to me how this relates to anti-Zionism: Agents of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Law vs. Lives

In a recent article, Isabel Kershner of the New York Times wrote the following about Israel’s security fence: Israel started building the barrier in 2002 with the intent of preventing Palestinian suicide bombers from reaching Israeli cities. Consisting mostly of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Boycott Israel, and let people suffer for it

An Israeli drug companing has developed a drug that not only alleviates symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, but it slows the progression of the disease. But by all means, boycott Israeli academics, and don’t let Israeli scientists come to international conferences. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 8 Comments

Durban II: Heading right down the same anti-Semitic path

UN Watch has another report on the upcoming UN anti-Israel and Democracy Conference The World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. It seems that not only is Durban II going after Israel, but it’s really going to … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Jenna Delich took Harry’s Place down or coalition of the muzzled burns their strawman

“The law is an ass”, they say, and there is a good measure of truth in it. The (temporary, I hope) demise of Harry’s Place (HP) blog has shown again how easy it is in Britain to suppress any kind … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Another quick lesson in modern Russian

Since the name of “peacekeeping” Russian operation against Georgia – “Принуждение к миру” – was first published, I had one heck of a trouble translating it into two other languages I claim to be more or less familiar with. The … Continue reading

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Day by Day: Fundraising time

Chris Muir tells me that every time I link to him, you folks click in large numbers. I may not be Instapundit, but dammit, I have a great crowd here. And it’s fundraiser time again. Chris supports himself by these … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 5 Comments

Charm city charm offensive

The Obama campaign has long taken a tack suggesting that those who don’t support the senator may well be racist. I’ve noted how this has manifested itself in the Jewish community. Sometimes it’s the campaign’s media surrogates who take this … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Oh so casual

The approach to threats against Israel is one of those things that is taken casually. Here’s Secretary Rice on the regular but (relatively) infrequent Qassams that still get fired into Israel despite the ceasefire with Hamas: QUESTION: How does the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Oh people! Enough!

The Spine links to a plea from a liberal Kuwaiti writer translated by MEMRI: “I would like to shout to the Arabs and the Muslims: Oh, people! Enough! Oh, [champions] of war, struggle, jihad, and honor! Enough! Life in our … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | Tagged | 1 Comment

Blockheads vs. the blockade

Never mind that Israel allows large quantities of goods into Gaza and the Palestinians themselves smuggle even more in via tunnels from Egypt. But a bunch of anti-Israel activists decided to make some PR and “run” Israel’s naval blockade of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

The confidence for more terror

Daled Amos notes that the Israeli government apparently views the release of terrorists as a good thing. He sums up a news article like this: In other words, Israel is hoping to force Hamas to the negotiating table with the … Continue reading

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Palestinian [in]gratitude

The Palestinian welfare culture is so incredibly ingrained, that no good deed goes uncriticized. The big lefty boat extravaganza—the ones that Israel allowed to land in Gaza after all, rather than cause front page pictures of the Israeli navy forcing … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Detours were us

Two trucks got into the way of my travel plans, but in both instances, I found out about them long before I could get stuck in the traffic they caused. First, a pickup truck being towed off the Nice Bridge … Continue reading

Posted in Life | Tagged | 4 Comments

Jordanian hypocrisy on the Temple Mount

The kingdom of Jordan, which was the guardian of Jewish holy sites from 1948 to 1967, is lecturing Israel on digging near the Temple Mount. Jordan said on Thursday it summoned the Israeli ambassador to protest against plans for excavation … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , , | 1 Comment