Monthly Archives: August 2008

Wooing the Jews

A few weeks ago the Washington Post reported that Obama working to ensure the Jewish vote: Obama’s position on Israel has been fairly mainstream. He has declared himself an undying ally of the Jewish state and has indicated that he … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Hamas didn’t get the NYT memo

Someone didn’t get the New York Times editorial staff’s memo. The one that said: A way must be found to help turn Hamas into a legitimate and acceptable negotiating partner. Because here’s what the “negotiating partner” has to say about … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Juvenile Scorn, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Off for a few days

I scheduled a few posts for tomorrow, but I’m going on a small vacation before going into closing-on-the-condo/packing/cleaning/painting/moving hell. I shall be visiting my friends and family in New Jersey, and I’m looking forward to it. And while I’m bringing … Continue reading

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Palestinian quote of the day

“I don’t care who will stamp my passport, a minister in Gaza or the president in Ramallah,” he said. “Both are using us as tools in their internal conflicts … I wish that an earthquake would come and take both … Continue reading

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Shilling for the Saudis

Reuters has a puff piece that pretends to be reporting about the “liberalization” of Saudi Arabian cities. Let’s take a look. The Saudi government has a project to develop at least four “economic cities” where many expect the religious establishment … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Israel, Media Bias, World | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

How confidence building works

Last year, Israel released 4 Jordanian murderers of Israelis to Jordan. At the time, Israel Matzav observed: The Olmert – Barak – Livni government is about to turn four Jordanian murderers over to the Jordanian government in return for a … Continue reading

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Gaza gaiety

I was watching some Get Smart last night. In one episode, Cutback at Control, a Senate sub-committee is seeking to de-fund Control. Siegfried of KAOS knows of Control’s financial troubles and recruits Max to join KAOS. When Max meets him … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Humor | 1 Comment

More on the Iranian air threat

I told you the Iranians were lying when they announced that they could launch an air strike team on Israel. (H/T: Mike) Fact is, the Iranian Air Force–or more correctly, Iran’s two Air Forces have serious training, equipment, airspace and … Continue reading

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The blogger’s conference I’m missing

Omri is at the Nefesh b’Nefesh blogger’s conference I couldn’t get to due to tiny little things like closing on my new home. He’s liveblogging it. Netanyahu speaks: 18:51 – Bibi asserts that the Israeli government needs better public diplomacy … Continue reading

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Unchanging Fatah

According to the Oslo Accords the following prisoners are subject to release in the guise of confidence building measures. 2. The following categories of detainees and/or prisoners will be included in the abovementioned releases: a. all female detainees and prisoners … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Hamas to Israel: Shalit could be Arad

Hamas is threatening to make Gilad Shalit disappear like Ron Arad. And if you take their analogy to its completion, they’re threatening to kill Shalit. Hamas has warned that abducted Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit will face a fate … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Dependent independence

As co-blogger, Daled Amos notes in his excellent critique of the Times editorial The Peril of an Israeli Transition, the Times holds everyone responsible for a Palestinian state other than the Palestinians themselves. I’d like to add a few observations. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Oh, where is the fisking of yesteryear?

I don’t know about you, but I am feeling nostalgic about the years when there was some rich fisking material in the works of Fisk. When one could sink one’s teeth into some juicy fact-shuffling, ignorance or the usual passion … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Kassam rockets fired; crossing closed again

Kassams have been landing daily again, but of course, the AP isn’t really reporting that. And tomorrow, they’ll be screaming about Israel closing the Kerem crossing again, one day after opening it. Like it’s Israel’s responsibility to keep on risking … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Don’t mess with Grandma

Check this out. An 85-year-old woman stopped a punk from robbing her—with a .22 pistol. LAKE LYNN, Pa. — An 85-year-old great-grandmother from Lake Lynn, Fayette County kept an alleged burglar at bay using a .22-caliber pistol. According to police, … Continue reading

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