Monthly Archives: August 2008

What Israelis want

The Israeli people want new general elections. Ehud Olmert doesn’t think that’s necessary. Will his successor in Kadima yield to the will of the people, or continue the arrogance that started with Ariel Sharon ignoring the will of the people … Continue reading

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Olmert and the peace process again (sigh)

The NYT follows up with another article showing what I observed yesterday, that Olmerts resignation is being viewed not in terms of security considerations, but in terms of the peace process. Today we have Israel’s Political Situation Dims Hopes for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Water on Mars

From Popular Mechanics. In a discovery that could qualify as one of the most important in the history of space exploration, NASA’s Phoenix Mission may have confirmed the presence of water ice on the planet, Popular Mechanics has learned. The … Continue reading

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