Ahmadinejad, anti-Semitism on display

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad manages to make yet another anti-Semitic remark while pretending that he has nothing against the Jews.

Iran’s official news website reported that the Iranian president called Haniyeh on the occasion of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and expressed his support for the Palestinian people.

“Today, the resistance in Palestine is a source of pride for all Muslims and freedom lovers in the world,” Ahmadinejad said. “The Palestinian nation is fighting against the most despicable people on the face of this earth…the resistance, which is burning in the faith of the Palestinian nation, is shaking up the Zionist enemy.”

Of course his apologists like Juan Cole will insist he means “Zionists,” not Jews. But we know better. And by the way, the people who keep saying that if only Israel would talk to Hamas, things would get better?

I’m thinking not.

“The Palestinian nation will never recognize Israel, and the banner of resistance will never be put down,” he said, while slamming the Gaza Strip siege.

I have lost track of exactly how many times Hamas leaders have said they will never recognize Israel, even immediately following Jimmy Carter’s sit-down with them last year. How many times does a terrorist group have to say it wants to destroy Israel before the rest of the world will believe that it wants to destroy Israel?

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