A blank slate

Okay, here’s the problem.

I can’t seem to find the desire to write about anything tonight. Not my commentary for the podcast, not a serious blog post, not nuffin’.

So we’ll just have to have an open thread. This is usually your cue to start talking, but since most of you don’t, I’ll just pretend you did it in, uh, invisible bits.

I know. I can talk about how happy I am in my new home. No, wait. Did that Saturday.

Aha! I can give you the useful tip that Sarah gave me: A hair dryer loosens the glue on contact paper so you can remove it in one continuous sheet (more or less) without leaving great globs of paper. But I have to tell you, it takes a great deal of patience to pull the paper slowly enough so it doesn’t tear.

There you go. We can trade household hints.

Your turn.

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8 Responses to A blank slate

  1. Anonymous says:

    Belated congratulations on your new home. The cats look supremely contented, and the longer you are there, the happier they will be.

    Another homeowner tip: assess all of your various appliances, and buy extended warranties where possible. Repairs are now hideously expensive (especially with devices with a digital input/readout), and things fail. Frequently.

  2. HT says:

    Belated congratulations on your new home. The cats look supremely contented, and the longer you are there, the happier they will be.

    Another homeowner tip: assess all of your various appliances, and buy extended warranties where possible. Repairs are now hideously expensive (especially with devices with a digital input/readout), and things fail. Frequently.

  3. Rahel says:

    I’ve started making my own laundry soap. It’s much cheaper and it’s got everything that regular commercial soap has except for heavy perfumes, inflated costs for packaging and advertising and so on. (As far as I know, the only difference is that I have to order some of the ingredients from a local medical-supply store, while US residents can get them in the local supermarket.) Here’s how to make dry laundry soap. Here’s how to make the wet variety, and here’s a smaller version of the same recipe.

  4. I distinctly remember making glue from flour, water and something else. For gluing paper. What was that something else, though?

  5. Elisson says:

    Before you use you new toilet, boil it.

    Don’t oil it (you’ll slide off).

  6. Harrison says:

    Sorry I’m late on this but a big, big, big congrats on your new home. May you all live long, healthy nine-plus lives there.

  7. Andy says:

    Congratulations on the new house. No real tips from me, except that when your toddler won’t go to sleep without you in the room, you can leave well wishes here with an iPhone under the crib.

  8. Jeff says:

    Buy a bread maker and start making your own Challah. My wife does four loaves at a time and freezes them. They taste great and are much less expensive than store bought.

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