Monthly Archives: September 2008

Accepting Mahmoud

The MSM and world have been rather silent about Ahmadinejad’s anti-semitism. Some tools even thought to take a picture with him, as if he were some cuddly celebrity, not a madman with designs on genocide. Or even really bad on … Continue reading

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The other day Eli Lake reported: Call it Osama bin Laden’s “October surprise.” In late August, during the weekend between the Democratic and Republican conventions, America’s military and intelligence agencies intercepted a series of messages from Al Qaeda’s leadership to … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | Tagged | 2 Comments

The echoing silence of the world on Iranian Jew-hatred

The president of Iran stands in front of the world body whose charter calls for peace among nations and blames Jews for causing wars, working against world peace, worshipping only money, having no god—and the silence of the response is … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Vehicles: The new suicide bombs

Looks like the Palestinians are trying to create a new weapon: The automobile and its relatives. IDF forces thwarted an attempt by Palestinians to run over a group of soldiers on Wednesday, near the West Bank village of Sinjil, north … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , | 2 Comments

State of disingenuity

Noah Pollak notes that now a majority of Palestinians object to a two-state solution and observes: If a poll found that the majority of Israelis rejected the two-state solution, it would make headlines around the world. Yet when repeated polls … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Olmerts post PM transition training

He seems to really enjoy the SEAL training. Whoops, that’s “seal” not “SEAL.” Soccer? Not going so well. Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

Posted in Humor, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Indy angle

It will be short but sweet: Independent reports on the terror attack in Jerusalem (September 22): Police said the incident was a “terror attack”… A rescue worker said the group of pedestrians was about to cross a road near the … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

The protocols of the unlearned president of Iran

Yesterday, the President of Iran gave a speech to the United Nations that was, of course, widely quoted in the wire services and mainstream media. However, the words below were not widely quoted by the wire services, particularly not the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 4 Comments


When all else fails, PETA is using boobies to draw attention to themselves. Burlington, Vt. – This morning, PETA dispatched a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of ice cream icon Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc., urging them … Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged | 15 Comments

Scary quotes

Loved the BBC headline from yesterday’s terror attack in Jerusalem: Jerusalem car ‘attack’ hurts 15 Here’s how the story starts: At least 15 people have been injured in an apparent attack in Jerusalem, Israeli police say. They say a man … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Tagged | 5 Comments

With more victories like this …

*This post is now complete* Clyde Haberman starts off well: Once a year, the Israel-threatening, Holocaust-denying, nuke-building and child-hanging president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, comes to New York for the opening ceremonies of the United Nations General Assembly. Many New … Continue reading

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What kind of Iraq?

The Jerusalem Post reports: First his two sons were murdered. Now he faces prosecution. The reason for Mithal al-Alusi’s troubles? Visiting Israel and advocating peace with the Jewish state – something Iraq’s leaders refuse to consider. The Iraqi is at … Continue reading

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FSB and its patron saint

A Russian religious group called Union of Russian Orthodox Citizens proposed promoting the Saint Alexander Nevsky to the role of the patron saint of FSB – the Russian federal security service, the main successor of KGB. Here is Alexander: When … Continue reading

Posted in World | 2 Comments

The Heroes season premiere

No spoilers in this post. Let me just say: Wow. What a setup for the season. What a bunch of power-packed revelations. And yet, what utterly predictable dialogue. You would think that I would have annoyed my hosts by uttering … Continue reading

Posted in Television | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Fair Diehl

I’m not a big fan of Jackson Diehl. Earlier in his career he was the Israel correspondent for the Washington Post. More recently, he’s been a foreign affairs columnist for the paper. As columnist he has consistently favored Arab “reformers,” … Continue reading

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