Monthly Archives: September 2008

Bad faiths

In his J-Street primer for American audiences (an op-ed in the Washington Post), J-Street’s founder, Jeremy Ben Ami wrote: Grateful as I am for decades of U.S. friendship with Israel, I have to wonder, as the state my father helped … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Ehud Barak – what is he up to?

“On the eve of Israel’s 60th Independence Day, the country’s population stands at 7,282,000”, says this site. Without arguing about this number – 7,281,999 of the citizens do not have a slightest idea what their minister of defense is doing … Continue reading

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Protesting Dinner With Mahmoud

Religious leaders who think that breaking bread with a man who has called for the destruction of Israel not once, not twice, but many times; a man who is perfectly comfortable with the tyranny that is Iran; a man who … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

Two hours to NOlmert. Call for elections, Tzipi.

Actually, it’s less than two hours until Ehud Olmert ends one of the most disgraceful leaderships of the modern State of Israel. I have no real hopes that Tzipi Livni will be much different, but she’s going to have to … Continue reading

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The connection betweeen J-street and the Obama campaign

One name: Alan Solomont. I posted a comment about him at LGF. There’s suspicion among some observers that the National Jewish Democratic Council was a significant player in the decision to cancel invitations to all politicians to speak at the … Continue reading

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Democrats threaten to kneecap Jewish nonprofits

Why is it, exactly, that so many Jews are Democrats? That’s right. Because Democrats are the champions of liberal, social causes. They’re against tyranny and all for liberty, freedom, and especially, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. But heaven … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Politics | Tagged , | 85 Comments

Diss-inviting Palin

I don’t know how many times I read at the NJDC website that support for Israel is bipartisan. But that’s been the mantra there. If anyone had temerity to criticize Democrats for their lack of commitment on Israel, that’s the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Jews, Politics | Tagged , | 7 Comments

I guess he got a lot of iron in his diet

From the Telegraph: Michel Lotito (France) (b. 15 June 1950) of Grenoble, France, known as Monsieur Mangetout, ate metal and glass from 1959 until his death last year. His diet since 1966 included 18 bicycles, 15 supermarket trolleys, seven TV … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, Pop Culture | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Livni roundup

The Jerusalem Post reports that Foreign Minister Tzippi Livni won the Kadima primary by a narrow margin: Livni clinched Wednesday night’s Kadima primary by a mere 431 votes, winning 43.1 percent (16,936 votes) while Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz won 42% … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged , | 3 Comments

What a perfect name

Get a load of this guy’s name: Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing Talk about having the perfect name. That’s like being an Indy 500 winner named Driver.

Posted in Humor | 1 Comment

Bitterly clinging to my proletarianism

You know, I don’t think Obama has any clue how utterly elitist he comes off. From his speech to a crowd of Hollywood celebrities and money people last night, in a $28,500 dinner at a mansion we’ve all seen in … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | Tagged , | 15 Comments

Ehud’s no good very bad day

Today is the day that PM Ehud Olmert has dreaded for weeks. Today is the day when he might very well end his political career. The NYT reports: The selection of a new head of the party, Kadima, was prompted … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Exculpating Hamas

Notice what’s missing from this headline from the NYT? Hamas Strikes at Gaza Clan Known for Criminal Activity Well, let’s look at the first paragraph of the story: Eleven members of a large Palestinian clan, including a 1-year-old, were killed … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | Comments Off on Exculpating Hamas

Israel: too many prophets and no king

For the sake of brevity I have omitted the word “mad” in the headline, you might want to work out by yourself where it fits. We are used to joke about that famous “three million presidents”* thing, about three Jooz … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Hamas murders baby; world media ignores it

Say, how many headlines you think this would create if it had been the IDF that killed a baby? Baby among 11 dead after Hamas raids criminal gang’s Gaza base Forces from Hamas, the Islamist movement in control of Gaza, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 1 Comment