Monthly Archives: September 2008

Jealous Arabs make the best peace partners

Guy Bechor writes about which Arabs Israel can hope to reach by their reaction to PM Olmert’s legal (and political) troubles: The reformist group – Notably, most responses on the Olmert affair came from this camp. Members of this group … Continue reading

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Troofer vaccination

Last week Michael Slackman of the New York Times wrote about how conspiracy theories about 9/11 dominated Arab political thought. He wrote: It is easy for Americans to dismiss such thinking as bizarre. But that would miss a point that … Continue reading

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Good government terrorists strike again

In-fighting in Gaza: Hamas forces, responding to the killing of one of their policemen during an arrest raid on Monday, raided a clan stronghold in Gaza City before dawn on Tuesday in search of a suspect in that slaying, officials … Continue reading

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Nothing succeeds like Abbas

Daled Amos focuses on one aspect of Dennis Ross’s latest, A Mideast Crisis to avert. In a nutshell, Daled Amos points out that Ross’s argument that the West ought to bolster Abbas because he’s better than the alternatives, is a … Continue reading

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Robert Fisk – see how it is done

No, I don’t plan another example of fisking per se. Just a vague mealy-mouthed vignette on the general lines of how some unscrupulous journos use sleight of hand to deceive and mislead the reader, especially one that desires to be … Continue reading

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A blank slate

Okay, here’s the problem. I can’t seem to find the desire to write about anything tonight. Not my commentary for the podcast, not a serious blog post, not nuffin’. So we’ll just have to have an open thread. This is … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 8 Comments


Last week JTA’s Telegraph noted: Ha’aretz has some details on some of the weapons it says the U.S. government denied Israel out of fear they’d be used to attack Iran. They include bunker-buster bombs, permission to use an air corridor … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 2 Comments

Ahmadinejad, anti-Semitism on display

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad manages to make yet another anti-Semitic remark while pretending that he has nothing against the Jews. Iran’s official news website reported that the Iranian president called Haniyeh on the occasion of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and … Continue reading

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Hamas’s novelty wears off

In recent years there have consistent attempts in the Western media to portray Hamas as just another political party. Ahmad Ayyad, candidate No. 3 on the Islamic bloc’s slate, ran down a list of what he considered to be Abu … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

Seth Freedman – an apologist for Hamas TV

Seth Freedman as an apologist – this sounds strange, no matter what entity he is supposed to apologize for. The opposite was believed to be true – as one of the main contributors of the Guardian political cesspool called Comment … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

Ten questions for the media pundits

They’ve asked the candidates the questions, and written many sneering op-eds on that yokel Sarah Palin, so I have a few questions for the media. Just to test their general knowledge of things I’ve been reading about lately. How do … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Media Bias | Tagged , | 33 Comments

Still not barking

If we go back four years and two months we learn: Osama bin Laden and his chief lieutenants, operating from hideouts suspected to be along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, are directing a Qaeda effort to launch an attack in the United … Continue reading

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Caturday night is all right

It’s been busy, but I do have some cat pictures taken here in Beit Yourish. First, a study in Tig, taken this afternoon: Then we have Gracie, looking like a Kliban cat with slightly glowing eyes. Gracie is finally starting … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | Tagged | 8 Comments

Antony Lerman and the Jewish question

A fairly standard battle cry on the Israeli roads is: “The person that gave you a driver license has to be killed!”. I don’t need to describe the situation relevant to this cry, do I? The first thought I had … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Osama didn’t bark. Why not?

After the United States was struck by terror 9/11/01, Americans feared that it was just a first attack and that we’d see more in subsequent years. In 7 years, no other successful large scale terror attack has succeeded on American … Continue reading

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