Monthly Archives: September 2008

A piece of peace

One thing that reporters in the Middle East enjoy is irony. So that’s the angle Ethan Bronner takes about Jenin in A West Bank Ruin, Reborn as a Peace Beacon. But a quiet revolution is stirring here in this city, … Continue reading

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Seven years ago, plus

(Manhattan skyline Sept 11, 2008, photo courtesy of Elder of Ziyon. Click on picture to see full size. For contrast see the Elder’s Hole in the Sky.) There were some excellent 9/11 roundups. For one thing the New York Times, … Continue reading

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Wanted: Temporary husband or grown children

You know, if anyone out there wants to rent themselves out as a temporary husband or grown child, I sure could use some help unpacking and getting my new condo into shape. I’m just sayin’.

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Twelve miles west, seven years later

On September 11, 2001, I was twelve miles west of the Towers. I worked for Montclair State University, helping redesign the SVP’s website. When the first jet hit, I was walking down the campus to pick up a copy of … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | Tagged | 4 Comments

Osama in a cave and on tape

A New York Times article reports on tapes of Osama bin Laden that are now being studied. While Mr. bin Laden’s evolution from opposing Saudi Arabia’s ruling dynasty to running an international terrorist organization has been detailed before, said Flagg … Continue reading

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Ingrid Betancourt: Work for Shalit’s release

Ingrid Betancourt is on the right side of the Gilad Shalit issue. “People all over the world should work for the release of Gilad Shalit. If we adopt globalization for financial goals, the struggle for the release of kidnapped people … Continue reading

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The return of the podcast

I have rejoined SNN and my first podcast back with them is about—Sarah Palin, of course. (That’s the general link. Here’s the individual one.) If you listen very carefully, you will hear Tig on it. He and Gracie decided that … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 5 Comments

A new campaign poster

Click here. Laugh. Don’t be drinking or eating. Jon, I want that on a t-shirt.

Posted in Feminism, Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Slackman flacks for troofers

In his Memo from Cairo today, the NYT’s Michael Slackman writes about Egyptian attitudes towards 9/11. “Look, I don’t believe what your governments and press say. It just can’t be true,” said Ahmed Issab, 26, a Syrian engineer who lives … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 4 Comments

Scientific progress goes Ghostbusters

You might remember, a few weeks ago there was news about the “Real Genius” weapon. Well now different scientific news recalls another movie. CERN – the Conseil Européenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire – the same organization where the World Wide … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, Pop Culture | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Women and the Sarah Palin vote

Let me try once again to explain to the doubters out there why I don’t care that Palin’s views on abortion are different than mine. Or that she’s a “Christianist,” as Asshole Andrew Sullivan keeps calling her. Or that she … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Politics | Tagged , | 15 Comments

Obama, Biden and Israel

Daled Amos concludes why he doesn’t trust Sen. Biden on Israel: Against this background of saying one thing but doing another–while I appreciate what Biden says about Israel, I am concerned that once he is in a different position, one … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | Tagged , | 11 Comments

The Palestinian catch 22

Time after time the Palestinians try to evade responsibility for terrorism. Now they’ve been nailed in court and they’re still trying to evade justice: A federal judge awarded the family a default judgment of $192.7 million in damages after the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 4 Comments

In media’s resentment

Brian Carney writes in the WSJ: Meanwhile, 51% of those surveyed thought the press was “trying to hurt” Mrs. Palin with its coverage. Perhaps most troubling for the press corps, though, was this finding: “55% said media bias is a … Continue reading

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French Muslims still putting the hate on Jews

Three young Jewish men were hospitalized after being attacked by French “youths.” Three Jewish youths on their way to the Paris branch of the Bnei Akiva movement were attacked by a group of teens on Saturday, a short while before … Continue reading

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