This week’s Shire Network News

Don’t miss the latest exciting episode of Shire Network News, in which:

  • Our guest is Australian writer John Birmingham, who has just published a book in which the Left gets it’s oft-stated wish that the world wakes up one day and America is simply not there anymore.
  • We hear disturbing evidence of the cult-like worship of the Dear Leader, Obama, patron Saint of Hopeful Change and helmsman of all our destinies, Slow Joe Biden does a passable impersonation of Grandpa Simpson and alerts us all to the real danger we’re in from….er….corn syrup.
  • Doug Payton arises like Lazarus from a bed of pain to talk about political philosophy, but honestly it’s way more interesting and relevants than that sounds.
  • The BBC gets a caning from Muslim clerics for not bending over and saying “thank you sir, may I have another” enough, Muslims get to hold religious events on state property and the ACLU doesn’t dare utter a sound, and the one-eyed nature of Saudi religiosity is finally revealed for all the world to see.
  • Meryl Yourish says Sarah Palin is making Democrats go a little funny in the head, and Evan Sayet is not surprised that the endorsement of Sarah Palin by the chair of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization of Women has apparently slipped down the memory hole as far as the media is concerned.

Exciting stuff! I can barely handle it myself. You don’t need an iPod to listen, just some kind of computer media program like Windows Media Player.

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