G’mar hatima tovah

An easy fast, and a posting fast until tomorrow night.

Gracie and Tig3

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10 Responses to G’mar hatima tovah

  1. Mog says:

    Awww, they look so sweet together.

  2. Karmafish says:

    Hi Meryl,

    I just discovered your blog and, I gotta say, I like the looks of the joint.

    From one proud supporter of Israel to another.


  3. Rahel says:

    What Mog said!

    Is Tig licking Gracie’s ears? If so, it looks like she has him well trained.

  4. Yes, he is, but he’s doing the thing his predecessor used to do: First, lick her ears, then attack her.

    It’s obviousl instinctive, because he’s starting to bug Gracie like Tig used to do.

  5. Hi, Karmafish. Thanks for the kind words.

  6. Pamela says:


    Thank you for the kitty fix.I see another orange cat in my future.
    *looks at hubby over glasses and batts eyes*

  7. chsw says:

    Hope that you have had an easy fast. Wishing you a safe, healthy and prosperous year.


  8. He’s hit the ten-pound mark, Pamela. You might want to be sure you want a big cat if you intend to get a Maine Coon mix.

    He’s not quite eight months old yet.

    Huge. He’s gonna be HUGE.

  9. Michael Lonie says:

    Maybe licking th ears is Catspeak for “Let’s play roughhouse”.

  10. Pamela says:

    My daughter’s cat Simon weighs in at 17 pounds and INSISTS on being a lap cat. My lap.

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