Joe Biden says: Pres. Obama will draw attacks

He guarantees it.

Go ahead. Vote for Obama. Because that’s what America needs, a weak leader in a time of a two-front war.

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3 Responses to Joe Biden says: Pres. Obama will draw attacks

  1. Russ says:

    And of course, when it happens, it will all be “Bush’s fault for angering the Muslims in the first place.” The chances that reality will cause disillusionment in the One are not great.

  2. long_rifle says:

    So what’s the odds of Israel still pulling the trigger before January if Obama is Elected? Especially with their own new weak leader?

  3. Can’t figure the odds right now, LR. Livni’s coalition attempt failed. She has to call for new elections.

    Hooray for democracy, right? Nope. Shas didn’t think the bribe was big enough.


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