Monthly Archives: October 2008

Israel’s strategic environment

Gen. Amos Gilad gives an overview of Israel’s strategic environment. Currently, Israel is living in a relatively good strategic environment. We are not facing imminent war and have not faced a hostile coalition since the 1970s. We seem to have … Continue reading

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The campaign and israel: take 3029

Last week Gallup released a poll showing that American Jews support Sen. Obama by a margin of 74 to 22. But if you look at the breakdown at the end, the October results were recorded over a shorter period of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Dean Barnett, cystic fibrosis, and me

Dean Barnett died today, at the too-young age of 41. He died of complications from cystic fibrosis, a disease he’d been fighting his entire life. The world is a poorer place without him. But the thing about CF is that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Falling oil prices: Adios, Chavez’s grand plans

Looks like the falling price of oil is getting better and better results. The same tumbling oil prices that led OPEC to slash output last week threaten to send Venezuela’s economy into a tailspin, and put an end to President … Continue reading

Posted in World | Tagged | 3 Comments

Signs of separation

Israel will be weaning the Palestinians off the Israeli power grid. A Jordanian official said Monday that the Palestinian Authority will join a regional power grid that so far links Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya and Turkey. Israel is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 2 Comments

The AP’s lying eyes

Who are you going to trust? The AP bias or your lying eyes? Get a load of this jaw-dropping bias in the lead: Families in this village near the Iraqi border buried loved ones Monday who they said were killed … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Syria | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Syrian strike

The New York Times reports on yesterday’s raid into Syria and concludes: The United States is trying to negotiate a strategic agreement with Iraq that would allow American troops to remain in the country and carry out military operations. The … Continue reading

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U.S. Special Forces land in Syria

Take a Sunday afternoon nap, and you wake up to the news that some jihadis on the Syrian/Iraqi border have been taken out. An official Syrian spokesman confirmed reports by the country’s state-run television and witnesses, who said that four … Continue reading

Posted in Syria | Tagged , | 3 Comments

The Obamedia: Don’t sweat it, it’s only a few million

In an article about the Obama money machine and its fraudulent donations, the WaPo has this to say about Obama breaking his pledge to pursue public financing: One immediate result of Obama’s fundraising showing this fall is that it may … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

UPDATE: The AP media bias

I wrote my 1 p.m. post earlier today and scheduled it. Here’s the lead from the first version of the AP story about Tzipi Livni calling for new elections: Prime Minister-designate Tzipi Livni on Sunday abandoned her efforts to form … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , | 1 Comment

AP shocked at Israeli democracy

The AP never fails to disappoint. Now they’re upset that—horrors—an election might give Israelis a chance to elect someone the AP doesn’t agree with. Prime Minister-designate Tzipi Livni on Sunday abandoned her efforts to form a new coalition government and … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Politics | 4 Comments

Carnival of the Jews

Three out of four of Jews are voting for Obama, but we can still read what they’re saying. Because I think I found most of the 25% that aren’t Obamatons. Haveil Havalim is here this week. Some clips: More on … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Linkfests | 1 Comment

If you’re not angry you haven’t been paying attention

I’ve the bumper sticker with the phrase “If you’re not angry you haven’t been paying attention” around a bit over the past few years. I’m assuming it’s an anti-Bush mantra. I think that it’s wrong in that case, but it’s … Continue reading

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UN Human Rights rep: Steady with the Israel-hatred

The UN is keeping up its tradition of ignoring all human rights offenses of the Arab and Muslim nations (cf: Executing gays in Iran, drug dealers in Saudi Arabia, whippings, cutting off of hands, “honor killings,” the status of women … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 2 Comments

And now, for a brief giggle

Typos can be so much fun. Look out for those old Israelis in their rockers. They might smush your feet.

Posted in Humor | 3 Comments